Texts, articles and reviews with label: 'society'.
Much more what unites us than what separates us
summaryComment to Juan Arana on the relationship science-religion: both are interested in the whole reality, with different approach. Precisions on the religiosity of scientists and the action of God in the world. Need for feedback between science, Philosophy and theology.
Author: Javier Sánchez-Cañizares.
The essential role of disability in the evolution and growth of the human being
summaryIt is often argued that the best biological performance favors the species. In humans, caring for the weak, which seems to go in the opposite direction, accompanies our success in nature. In addition, it improves the happiness and development staff of caregivers.
Author: Javier Bernácer
Beyond secularization: science, faith and the perception of young people.
summaryThis paper describes an empirical study with young people from various countries and denominations on the perception of the relationship between science and religion. It focuses on differentiating values linked to the past -tradition- and those oriented towards the future -progress-.
Author: Carmen Callizo
Vulnerability. The depth and grandeur of the wounded body
summaryToday's culture, which values appearance so much, has trouble understanding the greatness of a wounded body. The opening of a wounded body makes it possible to enter a world of deep relationships beyond equality, contractual, utility, duty or paternalism.
Author: Javier de la Torre Díaz
Mind-brain relationships and neuroscience- neuroscience dialoguePhilosophy
summaryThe interdisciplinary study of the mind-brain relationship allows two approaches: from neuroscience to Philosophy, and from Philosophy to neuroscience. The application of these relationships to ethics and social dependence is explored.
Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya and José Angel Lombo
Nature conservation and dynamics of the sacred
summaryThe sacred can include natural environments, which are often associated with places of worship and are deserving of special respect; they often coincide with nature reserves. The interrelationships between religion, conservation and management of these environments are examined.
Author: Jaime Tatay
summaryPost-truth is related to fake news in the media, but it also contains charlatanism (according to Harry Frankfurt's term) and emotivism (analyzed by MacIntyre). Its consequences are distrust and ethical fragility.
Author: Jorge Martín Montoya
Science-Religion and its invented traditions
summaryThe alleged civil service examination between science and religion owes much to the political need to achieve a cultural identity for a nation. This has given rise to invented approaches to the science-religion relationship, the conception of which varies from country to country.
Author: Jaume Navarro
The Worldview of the Great Scientists: the Enlightenment
summaryThe usual interpretation is that, from the beginning of science, it was opposed to religion. The study of the Enlightenment sample is the opposite: believing scientists made it advance in discussion with Enlightenment ideologues who were enemies of religion and knew very little science.
Author: Juan Arana
Cover-up and truth. Some diagnostic features of today's society
summary roundtable about the book Encubrimiento y verdad: algunos rasgos diagnósticos de la sociedad actual. It analyses the concealment of truth that begins in modernity and continues in postmodernity, in a dynamic that has to do with a game of power in action.
Author: Jorge Martín Montoya and José Manuel Giménez Amaya
The enigma of the Greek manuscript diagrams
summary:: Greek mathematical or astronomical manuscripts show deficiencies in the mathematical diagrams, which distort what is described in the text. They appear in almost all copies and translations. There is agreement that this is the way the ancient Greeks made diagrams. An alternative hypothesis is examined here.
Author: Christián Carlos Carman.
The scientific priest and the dimensions of the knowledge
summary instructions :: In the age of average, monks and priests such as Bacon, St Albert and Nicolas Oresme laid the foundations for modern science, in which figures such as Copernicus, Steno, Spallanzani, Mendel and Lemaître stand out. They integrated different fields of knowledge in their lives: science and literature, the material and the spiritual.
Author: Ignacio del Villar.
The age of post-truth, post-veracity and charlatanism
summary:: The current predominance of the dissemination of information through social networks causes biases in data and the consequent discrediting of public discourse and the promotion of superficial speech , charlatanism.
Author: Martín Montoya.
Lesson 2019: Fighting against religion in the name of science. Has the battle been won?
summary:: Addresses the Degree inherent conflict between religious faith and science; the relative importance of science in processes of secularisation; and the complexity of the relationship between scientific thought and religious belief. It concludes by examining three scientific issues of contemporary interest.
Author: John Hedley Brooke.
Some utopian considerations on the problem educational
summary:: Recent technological progress makes it necessary to provide a specific scientific-technical training , which decisively shapes the system educational. The possibilities of a Education that, in this context, can provide human density to people are explored.
Author: Juan Arana
Expertise as a methodological and ethical problem
summary:: Scientific expertise is supposed to transform knowledge into "ability to act". The lecture analyses two problems in expert opinions: the use of data and the possibility of a recommendation for action without naturalistic fallacy.
Author: Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik
The future of human being: neuroscientific and philosophical perspectives
summary:: Humanity's vision of the future is currently shaped by science and technology. This is not only a contemporary conditioning of our thinking, but a deeper limitation to our correct understanding of what it means to be human.
Author: Saša Horvat
Ecological sensitivity (and Christianity?)
summary:: Sensitivity to the environment does not seem to go hand in hand with Christianity. This seminar reflects from seven aspects of the environmental value and initiates a search of how, starting from those aspects, it is possible to establish a meeting with Christianity.
Author: Jordi Puig.
Climate change: What do we know and how do we respond?
summary:: Science is making it possible to know the effects and impacts of climate change. The precautionary principle encourages us to take action on this issue, but we continue to act as if it is not happening. Here we show the scientific instructions of the problem and its ethical implications.
Author: Emilio Chuvieco.
The role of Catholics in the scientific revolution of the last centuries
summary:: The scientific revolution has taken place in a Christian environment. To illustrate this, historical background is analysed and five examples of Catholic scientists from the 16th to the 20th centuries are presented: Galileo Galilei, Alessandro Volta, Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Louis Pasteur and Jérôme Lejeune.
Author: Ignacio del Villar
The science-religion conflict: an invented tradition?
summary:: To better understand the "science-religion" relationship, the notion of "invented tradition" is useful: the term "scientific", coined in 1833, to generate a community, led to the training of an "invented tradition", whose consequences include the thesis of the conflict.
Author: Jaume Navarro.
Techno-optimism: near future or false promise?
summary:: Technological utopia argues that, thanks to technology, humanity will eventually reach an ideal life in which the problems that limit it today will disappear. These ideal conditions include a state of abundance in which - according to these thinkers - social problems would also disappear. It would also be possible to design conscious machines and communicate efficiently with them. Moreover, life technologies could overcome disease and delay ageing: in its most extreme version, techno-optimism promises to overcome death itself. This discussion paper reviews the main promises of techno-optimism and their implications, pointing out the limitations of its assumptions and the need for reflection to guide and control future technological developments.
Author: Sara Lumbreras
Are the sciences really autonomous?
summary:: exhibition of the causes that make scientists reject interdisciplinary approaches involving Philosophy and theology.
Author: José Ignacio Murillo
Benedict XVI thinks of the University:
From Regensburg to Berlin, via Rome and London
summary:: lecture extracts Benedict XVI's basic ideas on the faith-reason relationship from his speeches in Regensburg, La Sapienza, London and Berlin.
Author: Josep-Ignasi Saranyana, member of the Pontifical committee of Historical Sciences (Vatican City).
summary:: speech on the scientific vision and the human vision of reality, which, in contrast to the former, allows us to discover God.
Author: Héctor L. Mancini
Science and faith. Ideas for an impact
Author: Ignacio Sols
summary:: review extensive of the work of Punset, who in his work tries to elaborate an ethics with an exclusively scientific basis.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada
Positivist scientism and positive science today
summary:: Scientism, definition, origins and development, and a practical example of scientism in positive science.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada
Comments on the new faith of materialism
summaryMaterialism, a) Naive realism, b) Consumerism, c) Dialectical materialism, d) Problems of the scientific method, the creation of hypotheses, the scope of the method, e) Superstitions, natural selection, the appearance of life, artificial intelligence, additional comments, 2. Sterility of materialism, 3.
Author: Atilio González Hernández. Telecommunications engineer
Darwin and religion: the story of a dialogue between science and faith
Author: Juan Pablo Martínez Rica
From the information society to the knowledge society knowledge
Author: Pablo García Ruiz
From the information society to the society of knowledge II
Author: Pablo García Ruiz
summary:: speech of the Pope to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on the occasion of the beginning of the 2010 plenary session, commenting on the partial nature of scientific progress and the need for philosophical reflection as an indispensable complement to science.
Author: Holy Father Benedict XVI
summary:: Review of the different manifestations of current scientism: Scientism in epistemology, scientistic naturalism, physicist scientism, biologist scientism, technicist scientism and scientism in public opinion.
Author: Mariano Artigas
"The Splendour of Truth" for a Christian Scientist
summary:: This work analyses from a scientific perspective the consequences of the process caused by the separation of faith and reason and its relation to the different meanings of the word truth. The paper starts with the concepts enunciated by the Pope at Regensburg and attempts to describe the historical development from the old concept of "reason" to that of "scientific reason" and the birth of a "scientistic" ideology which has now become established in society. The problems created by this ideology are highlighted and the impossibility of science to give a rational justification to the ends of human behaviour (ethics) and to the universe in general (the "meaning" or "purpose") is sample . As proposal attempts to show how one can try to recompose the concept of "truth of things", considering that science and religious faith are complementary descriptions of reality that are not mutually exclusive, both at the individual level in the person of a scientist and at the level of thought in the Philosophy of Science.
Author: Héctor L. Mancini
Respect for human life until natural death
Author: José María Pardo
Interview with Professor Evandro Agazzi
summary:: Interview that gathers some of the ideas of the seminar given by Professor Agazzi in Pamplona on May 5, 2004.
Author: Santiago Collado
Author: María Iraburu
Towards a sustainable management of the planet
Author: Luis Echarri
The ambiguity of "neuroethics".
summary:: lecture given at the conference Closing ceremony of the Master's Degree in Bioethics. Universidad Católica San Antonio (Murcia), 21 January 2011.
Author: Sergio Sánchez-Migallón
Evolution, between science, reason and faith
Author: Juan Luis Lorda
summary:: The three essays gathered here correspond to the interventions of their authors in a workshop, organised by the high school of Anthropology and Ethics and the group of research "Science, Reason and Faith" (CRYF), at the University of Navarra on 19 February 2013*. This activity was part of the Year of Faith, convened by the Catholic Church in October 2012 and which will be closed in November 2013.
Author: Luis Romera, Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá and Ignacio López Goñi
The fragmentation and "compartmentalisation" of knowledge according to Alasdair MacIntyre
summary:: summary: MacIntyre's position on the fragmentation of current knowledge in the university teaching , coincidence with the ideas of Professor Lluís Clavell and a note of solutions for a sapiential and interdisciplinary training in the University.
Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya
"Genetics is not incompatible with human freedom".
summary:: Interview with José Ignacio Murillo in Ambos mundos on freedom, genetic determinism, environmental influence and neuroethics.
Author: Daniel Capó
summary:: Commentary on the "Sokal joke" that makes explicit how questions of physics and other sciences are not a mere convention between physicists with no more support than sociological support.
Author: Carlos Pérez García
Religion in the face of scientific progress.
En torno a un libro-survey by José María Gironella
summary:: As the book is voluminous (486 pages, but with many photos), I first looked for the people I found most interesting; I suppose this is what almost everyone does. When I had read a few answers, I seemed to notice that the interviewees who are scientists or have studied science do not see any civil service examination between science and religion, and that, on the contrary, those who think that such a civil service examination exists are people who, although they are educated, have not been involved in science. I found it interesting to test whether this hypothesis was valid, and I set about testing it at test by studying all the responses. My conclusion was that the hypothesis holds up quite well.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Religion in contemporary science: impertinence and inspiration
Author: Santiago Collado
My vision of the multidisciplinarity
summary:: dissertation in the seminar of the group of programs of study Peirceanos of the University of Navarra. Pamplona, May 17, 2001.
Author: Mariano Artigas
summary:: The present article is a update of the status quaestionissof the origin of the human being in the light of the data of the most recent anthropological and genetic research. It reviews the latest contributions of science and the current state of the research, as well as a philosophical reading of the data in the light of the catholic doctrine on the origin of man.
Author: Rubén Herce
Neurobiology of "attachment bonding" and pregnancy
summary:: Functional neuroimaging techniques show how certain brain areas are activated, while others are silenced, when a mother sees her daughter or son, or hears their voices. It is the correlate of the emotion, which in the presence of her child, in various circumstances, generates in the mother. The brain is organised to mediate the complex maternal behaviour. For this, gene expression is orchestrated by different hormones and neurochemical factors during pregnancy. Maternal behaviour can be reasonably characterised in terms of cognitive-emotional interactions and for which the amygdaloid complex functions as a nodal point connecting cognition and emotion.
Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya
summary:: article on the origin and contents of neuroethics: scientific meetings core topic and positions of Adina L. Roskies, Judy Illes, Martha Farah, Thomas Fuchs, Walter Glannon, Jonathan Moreno and Neil Levy.
Author: Sergio Sánchez-Migallón Granados and José Manuel Giménez Amaya
summary:: review by Michael Cook from the book Oracles of Science, by Karl Giberson and Mariano Artigas.
Author: Michael Cook
Rescher and Gadamer: two complementary views on the limits of science
summary:: Analysis of Rescher's and Gadamer's views on the limits of science: the former studies the internal limits and the latter the external ones.
Author: Alfredo Marcos. University of Valladolid (Spain)
Russell G. Wilcox presents discussion paper at the University of Navarra
summary:: summary: from Russell G. Wilcox's lecture : consideration of the precepts of Natural Law is necessary to preserve the integrity of the system of human action as a whole.
Author: Russell G. Wilcox
Society, Science and Faith: A Physicist's Perspective
summary:: To say that today there is a crisis of faith and that the scientific and technical development influences this crisis is nothing new. knowledge If, as the First Vatican Council affirms, "reason and faith are two sources of Truth, one revealed and the other derived from observation", we should not find civil service examination between them. However, in fact, the controversy exists. The Second Vatican Council insisted again on the topic with great emphasis, as the circumstances were aggravated during the 20th century by conflicts with positivism and materialism. The spread of Marxism turned the polemic into an important social phenomenon, and its consequences have not disappeared with the decline of Marxism. The polemic, which until a few decades ago for people of faith consisted in answering the accusation that religion is "the opium of the people", has, with the healthy increase of tolerance, led to a religious indifference that finds its best environment in the urban culture of the big cities.
Author: Héctor L. Mancini
Theology and Science in a Christian Vision of the University
Author: José Luis Illanes
The Ethical Roots of Karl Popper's Epistemology
summary:: Epistemology and metaphysics. The origins of Popper's epistemology, the 1919 experiences, the circumstances, the crisis, the consequences. The meaning and scope of fallibilism, fallibilism and conjecturalism, fallibilism and skepticism, the reasons for fallibilism, critical rationalism. A realist epistemology, some qualifications of fallibilism, the ethical meaning of fallibilism, faith in reason, realism: metaphysical and epistemological.
Author: Mariano Artigas
The Mind of the Universe
The Presuppositions and Implications of Science as a Bridge between Science and Religion
summary:: The impact of secular humanism on our understanding of human affairs, and the desacralization of contemporary culture can be considered as two sides of the same coin. Apparently they are closely related to the progress of empirical science. I am going to consider these topics under the perspective of the impact of scientific progress on them. In its beginnings, the new science was seen as a road from nature to its Maker, promoting natural theology. Later on, however, it was interpreted as favouring a "disenchantment" of the world. I will comment on some proposals of "reenchanting" the world, and will refer to my own proposal, which has recently been published in my last book, The Mind of the Universe, published last April 2000 by the Templeton Foundation Press.
Author: Mariano Artigas
The Mind of the Universe
Understanding Science and Religion
summary:: work examines the work of "disenchantment" of the world by modern science and the need to "re-enchant" the world, within a context of rationality. The bridges to achieve this result lie in the self-organisation of the subject as a reflection of the divine action that imprints a teleology on reality, the singularity of man that produces science and the recognition of the intelligibility of reality.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Three levels of interaction between science and philosophy
summary:: The epistemological level, the ontological level, the anthropological level.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Tradition and finding in Michael Polanyi's epistemology
summary:: Book chapter summarising Michael Polanyi's view on the role of tradition in the progress of scientific thesis .
Author: Francisco Gallardo
summary:: Life extension methods promoted by the transhumanist movement, especially mind transfer; the secularist matrix of this method is sample . Its attempt to bring immortality under human control takes the process of secularisation to a level never seen before.
Author: Leandro Gaitán
Three cases: Galileo, Lavoisier and Duhem
summary:: Everyone has heard of the Galileo case, almost always in a biased way. Few know that Lavoisier, one of the founders of the Chemistry, was guillotined by the French Revolution. Hardly anyone has heard of Pierre Duhem, an important physicist, author of a monumental work on the history and Philosophy of science that shed new light on the positive relations between science and faith. When talking about science and faith, two words cross many people's minds: civil service examination, and Galileo. Few think of partnership, and none of Duhem.
Author: Mariano Artigas