recursos_naturaleza_intereses_Algunas consideraciones utópicas

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Some utopian considerations on the problem educational

Some utopian considerations on the problem educational

seminar from group Science, Reason and Faith.
Juan Arana. Pamplona, April 24, 2018.


Full text of the exhibition

Juan Arana is a lecturer at the University of Seville, member of issue of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, and member partner of the CRYF, where he gave the last Mariano Artigas Memorial Lecture. His curriculum vitae can be consulted in his file staff at the University of Se ville or in his Wikipedia voice.


A process of scientific and technological globalisation has been underway for some time and has already substantially changed the conditions of labour markets around the world. The most reliable forecasts indicate that it will continue to do so for decades to come. The massive use of artificial intelligence and robotics will allow (or rather: force) machines to take over a large part of the tasks that are still performed by humans today. Since the purpose of all economic activity is to produce goods and services and to distribute them fairly and efficiently, the challenge is to urgently reorganise the systems for allocating the burdens of work and the remuneration that will be in place in the future. Until very recently, an individual's work profile defined to a large extent his or her ethical personality and civic identity. It is far from clear how socially and personally valuable biographical profiles can be achieved in a civilisation dominated by leisure. This discussion paper explores - without too many illusions that it can lead to a realistic programme of action - the capacity of a profoundly redesigned educational system to help overcome this uncertain transition, to enhance the positive virtualities of the current conjuncture and to minimise the negative ones.

Text published in the journal Anales de la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas. Year LXX. issue 95. academic year 2017-2018. available at