Texts, articles and reviews with the label: 'knowledge'
summaryPost-truth is related to fake news in the media, but it also contains charlatanism (according to Harry Frankfurt's term) and emotivism (analyzed by MacIntyre). Its consequences are distrust and ethical fragility.
Author: Jorge Martín Montoya
Reasonable certainty in science and philosophy
summaryMathematics and experimental science are based on postulates that cannot be justified by themselves. Their acceptance implies the adoption of philosophical postulates. Some of these postulates, which lead to the possibility of a reasonable certainty in science, are shown.
Author: Fernando Sols
Cover-up and truth. Some diagnostic features of today's society
summary roundtable about the book Encubrimiento y verdad: algunos rasgos diagnósticos de la sociedad actual. It analyses the concealment of truth that begins in modernity and continues in postmodernity, in a dynamic that has to do with a game of power in action.
Author: Jorge Martín Montoya and José Manuel Giménez Amaya
Neuromorphic Computing and Nanotechnologies
summaryNeuroscience knowledge can be combined with new nanotechnology techniques to build systems that capture and compute by mimicking the brain; this "neuromorphic computing" is a promising area of Artificial Intelligence advances.
Author: Bernabé Linares-Barranco
The age of post-truth, post-veracity and charlatanism
summaryThe current predominance of the dissemination of information through social networks causes biases in data and the consequent discrediting of public discourse and the promotion of superficial speech , charlatanism.
Author: Martín Montoya.
Some utopian considerations on the problem educational
summaryThe recent technological progress makes it necessary to provide specific scientific-technical training, which decisively shapes the system educational. It explores the possibilities of an education which, in this context, can provide people with human density.
Author: Juan Arana
Expertise as a methodological and ethical problem
summaryThe assumption is that scientific expertise transforms knowledge into "capacity to act". The lecture analyses two problems in expert opinions: the use of data and the possibility of a recommendation for action without naturalistic fallacy.
Author: Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik
Proposals on the language of Science and its relationship with Nature
summaryThe scientific method uncovers aspects of reality that are not obvious and that fill us with wonder. These hidden underlying laws seem to refer to a Logos common to all reality. Its finding is a spiritual experience comparable to certain religious experiences.
Author: Gustavo Aucar.
Why do we have to accept evolution?
summaryWhenever science provides solutions to certain issues, a plethora of questions immediately arise. The biological theory of evolution uncovered a "Pandora's box" that requires other knowledge to be completed.
Author: Antonio Pardo
Prof. Artigas' contributions to epistemology and philosophy of science
Author: Don Evandro Agazzi
summaryIt describes how reflection is linked to the human condition, the current influences that affect it negatively, the basic attitudes that need to be cultivated to foster it, contemporary challenges and the importance of not losing the capacity for wonder.
Author: Jutta Burgraff
Science and religion: the realism of Michael Polanyi
Author: Francisco Gallardo
knowledge human, reliability and fallibilism
summaryThe scientific business is currently posited as a surmountable body of knowledge (fallibilism). The conference studies the concept of fallibilism and the Degree of reliability of the human knowledge in science, clarifying some theoretical implications that do not seem acceptable.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Author: Penelope Maddy
From Physics to Mind. Roger Penrose's philosophical project
Author: Rubén Herce Fernández
From the information society to the knowledge society knowledge
Author: Pablo García Ruiz
From the information society to the society of knowledge II
Author: Pablo García Ruiz
The challenge of interdisciplinarity: difficulties and achievements
summaryWhat interdisciplinarity is not, the motivations of interdisciplinarity, the conditions of interdisciplinarity, the knowledge as synthesis, the methodology of interdisciplinarity and other achievements of interdisciplinary work.
Author: Evandro Agazzi
The science-faith dialogue in the Encyclical "Fides et ratio".
summaryScientific realism, science, reason and faith, reflective capacity, science and truth, modalities of truth, truth and belief, the unity of knowledge, science and wisdom, scientism, the Galileo case, the reverse, the assumptions of science and the impact of its progress, three concluding considerations.
Author: Mariano Artigas
"The Splendour of Truth" for a Christian Scientist
summaryIn this paper the consequences of the process of separation of faith and reason and its relation to the different meanings of the word truth are analysed from a scientific perspective. It starts from the concepts enunciated by the Pope in Regensburg and attempts to describe the historical evolution from the ancient concept of "reason" to that of "scientific reason" and the birth of a "scientistic" ideology which has nowadays become established in society. The problems created by this ideology are highlighted and the impossibility of science to give a rational justification to the ends of human behaviour (ethics) and to the universe in general (the "meaning" or "purpose") is sample . As proposal attempts to show how one can try to recompose the concept of "truth of things", considering that science and religious faith are complementary descriptions of reality that are not mutually exclusive, both at the individual level in the person of a scientist and at the level of thought in the Philosophy of Science.
Author: Héctor L. Mancini
summaryCommentary on "Evolutionary Epistemology, Rationality, and the Sociology of Knowledge", edited by Gerard Radnitzky and W.W. Bartley III. Bartley III. Open Court, La Salle (Illinois) 1987, which proposes new epistemological approaches in Philosophy of science.
Author: Mariano Artigas
The concept of nature between science and theology. The need for epistemological mediation.
summaryVorrei in queste pagine riflettere su alcune questioni epistemologiche riguardo all'uso del concetto di natura nel dialogo scienza-teologia. I will consider in particular what is the epistemological content and value of the concept of nature in scientific and theological research. The question is articulated in three points: 1. What methodological role does the concept of nature play in science and theology? 2. What particular concept of nature is in Degree able to assume these roles? 3. Sarà la nozione di natura risultante, una nozione ammissibile dalla scienza (oltre che dalla filosofia e dalla teologia), e in particolare, risulta una realtà conoscibile?
Author: Rafael Martínez
Intelligence and intentionality
summaryThis article explores the difficulties of approaching the problem of intelligence independently of any intentional consideration. To do so, I first examine three classical interpretations of the concept of the mental in order to show their main shortcomings. goal . Secondly, I argue how an adequate phenomenological analysis of perception is an optimal means of understanding the intentional property. Thirdly and finally, I present some interpretative clues about the existence of information in Nature. All this serves to offer, in summary proposal of basic criteria for the recognition of intelligent beings.
Author: Luis E. Echarte
The Search for Truth: Philosophy and Science in Carlos Vaz Ferreira
summaryTools for grasping reality: the instrumental character of the sciences and the clarifying role of philosophy. 2. Philosophy and sciences as levels of knowledge: the human knowledge as a sea. 3. The continuity of science and philosophy: science as a floating iceberg. 4. The search for truth: science and philosophy as aspects of human knowledge.
Author: Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe
Science from the perspective of faith. Scientific knowledge does not question the existence of God.
Author: Alister McGrath
summaryArticle on the relationship between neurophysiology and consciousness.
Author: Amadeo Muntané Sánchez
summaryThe three essays collected here correspond to the interventions of their authorsat a workshop, organised by the Institute of Anthropology and Ethics and the research group "Science, Reason and Faith" (CRYF), at the University of Navarra on 19 February 2013*. This activity was part of the Year of Faith, announced by the Catholic Church in October 2012 and which will be closed in November 2013.
Author: Luis Romera, Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá and Ignacio López Goñi
The fragmentation and "compartmentalisation" of knowledge according to Alasdair MacIntyre
summary: summary MacIntyre's position on the fragmentation of current knowledge in university education, coincidence with the ideas of Professor Lluís Clavell and a note of solutions for a sapiential and interdisciplinary education at the University.
Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya
summary essay on Steven Pinker, the first part of which was published in the October 2008 issue of
issue 119 of Nueva Revista for the month of October 2008.
Author: Marciano Escutia
summary essay on Steven Pinker, the first part of which was published in the October 2008 issue of
issue 119 of Nueva Revista for the month of October 2008.
Author: Marciano Escutia
summaryAn interdisciplinary approach from philosophy and neuroscience.
Author: José Ángel Lombo y José Manuel Giménez Amaya
Mechanics, science and principles. An interpretation from Polo
summaryArticle on the Newtonian interpretation of the world and its insufficiency for a complete cosmovision, following philosophical approaches by Leonardo Polo.
Author: Santiago Collado González
My vision of the multidisciplinarity
summarydissertation in the seminar of the group of programs of study Peirceanos of the University of Navarra. Pamplona, May 17, 2001.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Thinking is not the only way to learn to think: keys to scientific thinking
summary lecture which analyses the role of mathematics in scientific models and its usefulness for teaching and for teaching students to think.
Author: Héctor L. Mancini
New data, new questions:The growing complexity of human evolution
summary:: The human evolution is very complex, new discoveries, new questions, a common point, the new discoveries.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada
summary: Desire to be understood, to guess or to abduct, the inferred nature of knowledge, inference and truth.
Author: Juan Pablo Serra
summaryA description of the scientific method and the subject of truth it arrives at, which is compatible with a gnoseological realism and with the acceptance of an authentic scientific truth.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Science, Reason and Faith in the Third Millenium
summaryScientific realism, science, reason and faith, reflective capacity, science and truth, modalities of truth, truth and belief, the unity of knowledge, science and wisdom, scientism, the assumptions of science and the impact of its progress, three conclusive reflections.
Author: Mariano Artigas
seminar Neuroscience and freedom
summaryreview from seminar of the CRYF of December 18, 2007, which summarizes the main discussion paper of Professor José Manuel Giménez Amaya.
Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya
Society, Science and Faith: A Physicist's Perspective
summary: To say that today there is a crisis of faith and that the scientific and technical development influences this crisis is nothing new. knowledge If, as the First Vatican Council affirms, "reason and faith are two sources of Truth, one revealed and the other coming from observation", we should not find opposition between them. However, in fact, the controversy exists. The Second Vatican Council insisted again on the topic with great emphasis, as circumstances were aggravated during the 20th century by conflicts with positivism and materialism. The spread of Marxism turned the polemic into an important social phenomenon, and its consequences have not disappeared with the decline of Marxism. The polemic, which until a few decades ago for people of faith consisted in answering the accusation that religion is "the opium of the people", has led, with the healthy increase of tolerance, to a religious indifference that finds its best environment in the urban culture of the big cities.
Author: Héctor L. Mancini
Central issues in the current science-faith dialogue
summaryThe paper aims to present the current challenges in the dialogue between faith and science. The challenges are not to be found in the discovery of common themes for dialogue, but in the attitude of the scientist and the theologian to the questions posed to them by the other side. The theologian who listens to the conclusions of the scientist knowledge is in a better position to give a reason for his faith today. The Christian scientist who is familiar with the articulation of faith has much clearer horizons for knowledge . The question applies to several current aspects in this dialogue: the body and the soul, the relationship of God with the world, the knowledge of God from the created, etc.
Author: Juan Arana
The Presuppositions and Implications of Science as a Bridge between Science and Religion
summaryThe impact of secular humanism on our understanding of human affairs, and the desacralization of contemporary culture can be considered as two sides of the same coin. Apparently they are closely related to the progress of empirical science. I am going to consider these topics under the perspective of the impact of scientific progress on them. In its beginnings, the new science was seen as a road from nature to its Maker, promoting natural theology. Later on, however, it was interpreted as favouring a "disenchantment" of the world. I will comment on some proposals of "reenchanting" the world, and will refer to my own proposal, which has recently been published in my last book, The Mind of the Universe, published last April 2000 by the Templeton Foundation Press.
Author: Mariano Artigas
The role of consciousness in triggering intellectual habits
Author: Javier Sánchez-Cañizares
Three levels of interaction between science and philosophy
summaryThe epistemological level, the ontological level, the anthropological level.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Time, consciousness and freedom: considerations on the experiments of B. Libet and collaborators.
summaryThis article is about the experiment by Libet and his colleagues on conscious decisions and others inspired by it. The discussion concentrates especially on two themes. Firstly, on the relation between consciousness and time. And, secondly, on the idea of freedom that is presupposed in these experiments.
Author: José Ignacio Murillo and José Manuel Giménez-Amaya
Tradition and finding in Michael Polanyi's epistemology
summaryBook chapter summarising Michael Polanyi's view on the role of tradition in the progress of scientific theses.
Author: Francisco Gallardo