
Texts, articles and reviews with the label: 'history of science'.

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Science, reason and faith in Blaise Pascalvideo and presentation

summaryPascal was a genius, sincere and constant search engine of the truth. He was passionate about the scientific novelties of his time. He had a deep religious conversion, which he wanted to transmit and which resulted in The Thoughts. His vindication of "the reasons of the heart" is classic.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda

Science-Religion and its invented traditionsvideo and presentation

summaryThe alleged civil service examination between science and religion owes much to the political need to achieve a cultural identity for a nation. This has given rise to invented approaches to the science-religion relationship, the conception of which varies from country to country.
Author: Jaume Navarro

The Christian inspiration of the science of nature

summaryThe development of mathematics as a science occurs in Greece, strongly associated with geometry. Physics develops in the later Christian environment, and its Christian matrix of ideas was necessary for this development.
Author: Ignacio Sols.

video and presentationMechanistic philosophy and theology: from conflict to integration?

summaryThe mechanicism of the 19th century has been enriched by accepting philosophical approaches to causality that are not strictly mechanical, and by raising epistemological problems about the scientific explanation of reality, which open the door to a certain dialogue with theology.
Author: Michał Oleksowicz

video and presentationThe Worldview of the Great Scientists: the Enlightenment

summaryThe usual interpretation is that, from the beginning of science, it was opposed to religion. The study of the Enlightenment sample is the opposite: believing scientists made it advance in discussion with Enlightenment ideologues who were enemies of religion and knew very little science.
Author: Juan Arana

Video and presentationThe enigma of the Greek manuscript diagrams

summary: Greek mathematical or astronomical manuscripts show deficiencies in the mathematical diagrams, which distort what is described in the text. They appear in almost all copies and translations. There is agreement that this is the way the ancient Greeks made diagrams. An alternative hypothesis is examined here.
Author: Christián Carlos Carman.

Video and presentationThe scientific priest and the dimensions of the knowledge

summary instructions : In the age , monks and priests such as Bacon, Saint Albert and Nicolas Oresme laid the foundations for modern science, with figures such as Copernicus, Steno, Spallanzani, Mendel and Lemaître. They integrated different fields of knowledge in their lives: science and literature, the material and the spiritual. Author: Ignacio del Villar. average

Priests and scientists. From Nicolas Copernicus to Georges Lemaître

summary: review to Ignacio del Villar, Priests and Scientists. From Nicolas Copernicus to Georges Lemaître. Digital Reasons, Spain 2019. The book examines the lives of scientists who were priests: Copernicus, Stenon, Spallanzani, Mendel and Lemaître.
Author: Enrique Solano

Lesson 2019: Fighting against religion in the name of science. Has the battle been won?

summary: Addresses the inherent conflict Degree between religious faith and science; the relative importance of science in processes of secularisation; and the complexity of the relationship between scientific thought and religious belief. It concludes by examining three scientific issues of contemporary interest.
Author: John Hedley Brooke.

Faith and science: no more reasons for conflict

summary: Review of the alleged problems between faith and science (the alleged obscurantism of the Middle Ages, the Galileo case, evolutionism, the big bang and the existence of God, neuroscience and the spiritual, etc.). The conclusion is that these are avoidable misunderstandings.
Author: Gabriel Zanotti.

Video and presentation

The Science-Faith relationship as told to young people

summary: Today, the civil service examination between science and faith is accepted. To avoid this false collective imaginary, it is necessary to training and knowledge dissemination reasoned about science and religion. The speaker explains the arguments and experiences he handles in his teaching and knowledge dissemination to young people.
Author: Enrique Solano Márquez.

Video and presentation

Georges Lemaître: the priest who discovered the Big Bang

summary: Georges Lemaître (1894-1966), analysing Einstein's general relativity, concluded that the Universe is expanding and obtained Hubble's law (2 years before Edwin Hubble). In 1931 he proposed his hypothesis of the primordial atom, the first formulation of the Big Bang.
Author: Jorge Mira.

The logic of creativity Video

summary: Philosophical reflection on some fundamental dimensions of creativity: it concludes that there are no compelling reasons to differentiate between scientific and artistic creativity and examines the possibility of creativity through artificial intelligence.
Author: Carlos Blanco

The Shroud of Turin: between science and faith

summary: Three important moments in the history of the Shroud of Turin are reviewed, from which valid lessons can be drawn for scientists, philosophers and theologians, and which serve to enrich the dialogue between science and faith in current debates.
Author: José Fernández Capo.

The role of Catholics in the scientific revolution of the last centuriesPresentation

summary: The scientific revolution has taken place in a Christian environment. To illustrate this, historical background is analysed and five examples of Catholic scientists from the 16th to the 20th centuries are presented: Galileo Galilei, Alessandro Volta, Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Louis Pasteur and Jérôme Lejeune.
Author: Ignacio del Villar

The science-religion conflict: an invented tradition?Presentation

summary: To better understand the "science-religion" relationship, the notion of "invented tradition" is useful: the term "scientific", coined in 1833 to generate a community, led to the training of an "invented tradition", the consequences of which include the thesis conflict.
Author: Jaume Navarro.

Protestant Reformation and modern sciencePresentation

summary: On the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, the relationship between Protestantism and modern science (especially in the 16th and 17th centuries) is reviewed, with special emphasis on the complex reaction of Catholics and Protestants to Copernicanism; the interpretation of biblical texts is also discussed.
Author: Pablo de Felipe.

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Txt_Otros documentos-historia de la ciencia

VideoThe Antikythera mechanism: Greeks amaze again

summary: Description of finding of the Antikythera mechanism, explanation of its main functions and review of the consequences for the history of technology and astronomy, and implications for the philosophy of science. .
Author: Christián Carlos Carman

Is the scientific revolution over?

summary: The meaning of the scientific revolution, three images of nature, organicism and mechanicism, the systemic perspective, scientific truth, the scope of the scientific perspective.
Author: Mariano Artigas

What is nature?

summary: A work that develops philosophical reflections on science and its meaning through the analysis of selected moments in the history of science.
Author: Héctor Velázquez

Science and faith: the origin of the universe. Georges Lemaître: the father of the big-bang

summary: article which reviews a book on Georges Lemaître; it includes a brief biography, the story of his finding of the "primitive atom" (later called the Big Bang) from the expansion of the universe, his relations with Einstein and some reflections on science and religion.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Science and faith. Ideas for an impact 

Author: Ignacio Sols

Science and Faith in Historical Perspective: Studies on Galileo 

Author: Mons. Melchor Sánchez de Toca Alameda

Science and religion ("Mind and brain")

summary: article historical on the views of the last century and a half on science and religion: it examines the Anglo-Saxon views of the 19th century confronting science and religion, and the later developments that see the non-incompatibility or complementarity of both approaches.
Author: Luis Alonso

Positivist scientism and positive science today

summary: Scientism, definition, origins and development, and a practical example of scientism in positive science.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

Darwin and religion: the story of a dialogue between science and faith 

Author: Juan Pablo Martínez Rica

Darwin and the theory of evolution

summary: Brief biography of Darwin, history of the voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle, the findings, the publication of The Origin of Species, and the subsequent reactions until the elaboration of the synthetic theory.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

From Neuroscience to Neuroethics. Scientific narrative and philosophical reflection.

summary: review by José Manuel Giménez Amaya and Sergio Sánchez-Migallón. From Neuroscience to Neuroethics. Scientific narrative and philosophical reflection. Eunsa. Pamplona (2010). 183 pp. The work reflects on new scientific developments in Neuroscience and Neuroethics, looking at the limits of experimental sciences and the current need for interdisciplinary approaches.
Author: José Ignacio Murillo

From Thales to Newton: Science for smart people

summary: Review summarising the book: a review of milestones in the history of science, to see how the problems were originally posed and how the solutions that have made up later science were arrived at, with final reflections on the scientific method.
Author: Santiago Collado

Dialogue between science and faith in the face of the philosophical questions of physics today.

summary: The phenomenon of the gulf between the two cultures (scientific and religious) has deepened as a consequence of the growing anti-intellectual atmosphere in today's culture. In the radical versions of today's postmodernism, both the Christian worldview and the heritage of the Enlightenment, in which the fundamental thesis of modern science were formed, are criticised. This has fundamentally changed the climate of dialogue between science and Christian thought. In the past, Christianity was repeatedly criticised from the perspective of the natural sciences; today, both Christianity and the natural sciences are subject to criticism, carried out in the name of the search for a new scientific paradigm, of radical social slogans, or in the name of a cultural pluralism that is understood in a peculiar way and in which the authority of reason is disrupted. The present work attempts to examine recent developments in physics from this point of view, and to consider their consequences for the Christian worldview.
Author: Msgr. Józef Zycinski

speech by Professor Héctor Mancini. Delivered at the ceremony in memoriam of Professor Mariano Artigas. 

Author: Don Héctor Mancini

speech of the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the participants in the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

summary: speech of the Pope to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on the occasion of the beginning of the 2010 plenary session, commenting on the partial nature of scientific progress and the need for philosophical reflection as an indispensable complement to science.
Author: Holy Father Benedict XVI

The Galileo case. Myth and reality

summary: review by Mariano Artigas, William R. Shea. The Galileo Case. Mito y realidad. meeting. Madrid (2009). 400 pp. Spanish translation of Galileo Observed. Science and the Politics of Belief. It analyses the comments that have been made on the case, taking the opportunity to delve into the alleged opposition between science and faith.
Author: review de Mariano Artigas, William R. Shea. The Galileo Case. Mito y realidad. meeting. Madrid (2009). 400 pp. Spanish translation of Galileo Observed. Science and the Politics of Belief. Published by Santiago Collado.

The origin of the universe 

summary: summary of the scientific discoveries about the universe, from the first Greek theories to the big-bang, and exhibition of the Christian doctrine on creation in a detailed way, so that it is seen that they do not oppose each other.
Author: Carlos Pérez and Héctor L. Mancini

The world of Georges Lemaître  

summary: The theory of the big bang, the 'big explosion' that would have originated our world, was initially proposal by Georges Lemaître, physicist and catholic priest, who arrived at this model thanks to a realistic Philosophy and to combining theoretical reasoning and astronomical observations.
Author: Eduardo Riaza Molina 

The Vatican and evolution. The reception of Darwinism on the file of the Table of Contents 

summary: The opening of the file of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1988 has given access to the existing documentation on the first reaction of the Vatican authorities to the theory of evolution. This article presents the research initiated by Mariano Artigas in 1999 to determine the attitude of the Congregation of the Index towards Catholic authors who defended the compatibility between evolution and Christian doctrine, and its main results. Although Catholic theology severely criticised evolutionism, the authorities of the Holy See maintained a certain prudence, which avoided a head-on meeting between evolution and Catholic doctrine.
Author: Rafael A. Martínez

E. Mach and P. Duhem: The Philosophical Significance of the History of Science

summary: Ernst Mach (1838-1916) and Pierre Duhem (1861-1916) can be seen as parallel figures. Both lived at the same time, died in the same year, were prominent physicists, conducted research into the history of science, and related that work to their ideas about the Philosophy of science. As if this were not enough, both asserted that scientific theories are neither true nor false. It is not surprising, therefore, that their names are commonly associated in the epistemological literature and that they are presented as prominent representatives of conventionalism. However, there are important differences between them. Mach's ideas are closely related to an evolutionary and empiricist perspective, where science represents a useful tool for survival and there is no place for metaphysics; Mach's influence was naturally prolonged in the neo-positivism of the Vienna Circle. On the contrary, Duhem harmonised his epistemology with a realist philosophical perspective, emphasised in his historical investigations the importance of Christianity in the birth of modern science, and affirmed the coherence between science, Philosophy and Christianity.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Interview with Mariano Artigas in Zenit

summary Philosophy : In this interview with Zenit, Mariano Artigas, professor of nature and science at the University of Navarre, reminds us that "with an adequate combination of religious sense and scientific and technical knowledge, many of the most serious problems that humanity suffers today could be solved".

Interview with Professor Evandro Agazzi

summary: Interview that gathers some of the ideas of the seminar that Professor Agazzi gave in Pamplona on May 5, 2004.
Author: Santiago Collado

Evolutionism, philosophy and Christianity. Henri Bergson died 50 years ago

summary: Brief biographical grade , creative evolution, Bergson and Spain, the mystics, vital tensions, truth, scientism, materialism and spiritualism.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Human evolution: the latest discoveries

summary: Introduction. The human being: that great mystery. The first discoveries. Neanderthal Man. Upright man without speech. The hominids of Southern Africa. The second generation. Paranthropes and the first Homo. Lucy. The most famous hominid. The decade of the nineties. In search of the roots. Abel. The australopithecine of Chad. The australopithecine of Lake Turkana. Garhi: The big surprise? Homo antecessor and Homo cepranensis. The latest discoveries. The man of the millennium. The oldest ardipithecines. Toumaï: The oldest hominid? Kenyanthropus platyops: The party pooper. Homo georgicus. The Caucasian surprise. Our oldest direct ancestors I. Homo sapiens idaltu: Our oldest direct ancestors II. The skulls of Omo Kibish. The small human from Flores Island. Anamensis and the origin of australopithecines. Genetics and human evolution. Conclusion. Notes.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

Homo floresiensis. The great little mystery of human evolution

summary: A first part makes a summary of the rapid changes in the evolutionary panorama of man, as new remains are discovered over the few that are known, and a second part details the finding, its significance for the human evolutionary panorama and the perspectives that are opening up.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

Galileo, 350 years later

summary: Reflection on the change from confidence in the rationality of science to scientific irrationalism in the context of the Galileo case.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Galileo after the Pontifical Commission Presentation

summary: Criticism of the Commission and the final speeches, preliminary clarifications, 10 November 1979: The manifestation of a wish, May-July 1981: Creation of the Commission, the work of the Commission, Were there any secret documents, Towards the conclusion of the work, How to conclude, 31 October 1992: The conclusion of the work of the Commission, evaluation final.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Galileo and the Vatican

summary: presentation of "Galileo e il Vaticano", translation of the Spanish version.

PresentationGalileo today. Three and a half centuries after the trial 

summary: 350 years ago, Galileo appeared before the Holy official document in Rome, and the following year he was condemned. This famous trial has been clearly deplored by the Church. But these facts are also abused, drawing from them false conclusions that are applied to judge various current problems.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Georges Lemaître and the Big Bang. No prejudices please 

summary: It is difficult to be an astrophysicist and a priest. Even more so if you propose a theory that challenges Albert Einstein's research and revolutionises astronomy. That is what happened to Georges Lemaître, the father of the theory of the origin of the cosmos.
Author: Eduardo Riaza Molina 

The ambiguity of "neuroethics". 

summary: Lecture given at the conference Closing ceremony of the Master's Degree in Bioethics. Universidad Católica San Antonio (Murcia), 21 January 2011.
Author: Sergio Sánchez-Migallón

The faith of the wise: scientific activity and religious belief

summary: A study of scientists' views on God and religion, with an analysis of the vision that radically separates the two spheres, and which concludes the mutual influence between the two, as well as the inescapability of a 'belief in science' also among the most disbelieving scientists, which ends up giving historically regrettable results.
Author: Juan Arana

The war of the sciences

summary: Commentary on the "Sokal joke" that makes explicit how questions of physics and other sciences are not a mere convention between physicists with no more support than sociological support.
Author: Carlos Pérez García

The Church and evolutionism: the case of Raffaello Caverni

summary: This article brings to light unpublished documents about a book that was condemned in 1878 by the Congregation of the Index because it argued that evolutionism and Christianity were compatible.
Author: Mariano Artigas and Rafael Martínez 

The intelligibility of the natural world

summary: Three images of nature, intelligibility and causality, scientific truth, science and realism, the systemic perspective, the processual perspective, the dynamism of nature, physics and philosophy, cosmological categories, nature and transcendence.
Author: Mariano Artigas

The mind of the universe

summary: Study of the connection between God's intelligent plan for the world and its unravelling by means of the scientific business .
Author: Mariano Artigas

Religion in contemporary science: impertinence and inspiration 

Author: Santiago Collado

Lecture 2017: Philosophy in the science-religion dialogue: a discussion based on the work of Mariano Artigas.

summary: Aristotelian physics, reflection in search of truth, led to metaphysics. Modern science has separated from it. Science must be the empirical foundation of philosophical reflection on reality, a path outlined by Artigas.
Author: Prof. Juan Arana Cañedo-Argüelles

Summer reading

summary: Review of an issue of the Revue des Questions Scientifiques from 1880, in which the arguments on science and religion are very similar to those of today.
Author: José María Valderas

What we should know about Galileo Presentation

summary: summary of the controversial or misunderstood issues of the Galileo case: how he died, what was the reason for his conviction, description of the 1616 trial and the 1633 trial, unanswered questions and references.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Mechanics, science and principles. An interpretation from Polo

summary: Article on the Newtonian interpretation of the world and its insufficiency for a complete cosmovision, following philosophical approaches by Leonardo Polo.
Author: Santiago Collado González

Mind and brain in contemporary neuroscience.
An approach to its interdisciplinary study 

summary: The impressive development of neuroscience in recent decades has highlighted its need to turn to multidisciplinarity to address the challenges it faces. Among these challenges are those that relate to questions that are decisive for the understanding of man. This article argues that in order to address them effectively, cooperation between the sciences needs to be extended beyond the realm of experimental disciplines. As an illustration of this thesis , after an introduction on the importance of Neuroscience in our times, one of the most relevant aspects for the understanding of the role played by the brain in human life and behaviour is addressed: the problem of consciousness. The exhibition is structured by pointing out the framework in which this problem is posed, and then summarising how Neuroscience and Philosophy have dealt with it. Finally, some suggestions are presented for the fruitful development of an interdisciplinary study that allows each of the sciences involved to make its own contribution.
Author: José M. Giménez-Amaya and José I. Murillo


summary: Article on the origin and contents of neuroethics: scientific meetings core topic and positions of Adina L. Roskies, Judy Illes, Martha Farah, Thomas Fuchs, Walter Glannon, Jonathan Moreno and Neil Levy.
Author: Sergio Sánchez-Migallón Granados and José Manuel Giménez Amaya

New light on the Galileo affair Presentation

summary: Written version of the lecture "New light in the Galileo affair" delivered at the Metanexus Institute and at Columbia University about a document related to the Galileo affair, discovered by the author in 1999 in the archives of the Holy Office in Rome. Illustrated with slides by Mariano Artigas.
Author: Mariano Artigas, Rafael Martínez and William R. Shea

New light on the Galileo affair (1) 

summary: Written version of a lecture delivered at the Metanexus Institute (Philadelphia), on Monday 4 February 2002, and at Columbia University (New York), on Wednesday 6 February 2002, on a document related to the Galileo Affair, discovered by the author in 1999 in the archives of the Holy Office in Rome.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Nicolas Oresme, Grand Master of the high school of Navarre, and the origin of modern science

summary: The high school of Navarre in its first hundred years, the foundation of the high school of Navarre, the high school of Navarre and the University of Paris, the political, ecclesiastical and intellectual environment, the beginnings: Jean de Jandun, the time of Oresme, a new era: d'Ailly, Gerson, Clamanges, evaluation as a whole. Oresme and the physical school of Paris, science in the 14th century: Oxford, the approaches of the physical school of Paris, Jean Buridan and his disciples, Nicolas Oresme, Oresme's scientific contributions, mathematics, the geometric representation of qualities, the law of accelerated motion, the fall of the Graves, the theory of impetus, cosmology, science and astrology, the Economics, the scientific method, Oresme's place in the history of science.
Author: Mariano Artigas

New light in the Galileo case

summary: A new document concerning the Galileo case was discovered by Mariano Artigas in December 1999. This article describes the new document (named by Artigas EE 291), discusses its authorship, and examines some implications for our knowledge of the Galileo case....
Author: Mariano Artigas (University of Navarra, Pamplona), Rafael Martínez (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Rome) and William R. Shea (Université de Strasbourg).

New data, new questions:The growing complexity of human evolution

summary: Sections: Human evolution is very complex, new discoveries, new questions, a common point, new discoveries.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

PresentationOverview of discussion creationism-evolutionism in the last hundred years in the USA

summary: Historical context of discussion creationism-evolutionism in the last hundred years in the USA; explanation of the causes of its polemic character; presentation of design Intelligent, comparing it with the classical discussion .
Author: Santiago Collado González

Peirce. Truth and the public

summary: Desire to be understood, to guess or to abduct, the inferred nature of knowledge, inference and truth.
Author: Juan Pablo Serra

profile biographical and personal biography of Mr. Mariano Artigas 

Author: José Angel García Cuadrado

Society, Science and Faith: A Physicist's Perspective 

summary: To say that today there is a crisis of faith and that the scientific and technical development influences this crisis is nothing new. knowledge If, as the First Vatican Council affirms, "reason and faith are two sources of Truth, one revealed and the other derived from observation", we should not find civil service examination between them. However, in fact, the controversy exists. The Second Vatican Council insisted again on the topic with great emphasis, as the circumstances were aggravated during the 20th century by conflicts with positivism and materialism. The spread of Marxism turned the polemic into an important social phenomenon, and its consequences have not disappeared with the decline of Marxism. The polemic, which until a few decades ago for people of faith consisted in answering the accusation that religion is "the opium of the people", has led, with the healthy increase of tolerance, to a religious indifference that finds its best environment in the urban culture of the big cities.
Author: Héctor L. Mancini

Central issues in the current science-faith dialogue 

summary: work wants to present the current challenges in the dialogue between faith and science. The challenges are not to be found in discovering common themes for dialogue, but in the attitude of the scientist and the theologian to the questions posed to them by the other side. The theologian who listens to the conclusions of the scientist knowledge is in a better position to give a reason for his faith today. The Christian scientist who is familiar with the articulation of faith has much clearer horizons for knowledge . The question applies to several current aspects in this dialogue: the body and the soul, the relationship of God with the world, the knowledge of God from the created, etc.
Author: Juan Arana

Theory of Evolution

summary: The beginning of the theory of evolution, Darwin/Wallace theory of evolution, discussion around Darwin's theory, the principles of Genetics, synthetic theory, molecular biology and Genetics, some scientific issues discussed around the theory of evolution, selectionism versus neutralism, punctuationism versus gradualism, notion of species, importance of natural selection in evolution, more we know, more debates, philosophical reflection and theory of evolution, theory of evolution and evolutionism, evolution and finality, bibliography.
Author: Santiago Collado González

The anthropic principle: science, philosophy or guesswork?

summary: Historic origin of the Anthropic principle and modern development of the basic idea.
Author: Mariano Artigas

The Galileo Affair Presentation

summary: Illustrated synthesis of the book "Galileo in Rome. The Rise and Fall of an Uneasy Genius" (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003), by William Shea and Mariano Artigas. It tell the story of the Galileo Affair following Galileo's six trips to Rome. It stick to well documented facts.
Author: William Shea and Mariano Artigas

Three cases: Galileo, Lavoisier and Duhem

summary: Everyone has heard of the Galileo case, almost always in a biased way. Few know that Lavoisier, one of the founders of the Chemistry, was guillotined by the French Revolution. Hardly anyone has heard of Pierre Duhem, an important physicist, author of a monumental work on the history and Philosophy of science that shed new light on the positive relations between science and faith. When talking about science and faith, two words cross many people's minds: civil service examination, and Galileo. Few think of partnership, and none of Duhem.
Author: Mariano Artigas

U.S. News interviews Mariano Artigas

Author: James M. Pethokoukis

Workshop: Epistemological Analysis of the Science-Religion Dialogue
The difficult epistemological relationship between science and religion

summary: Film clips from the CRYF Workshop with a team of Argentinean researchers, in which various aspects of the Philosophy of science are analysed in relation to their impact on the relationship between science and religion.
Author: Christián Carman, Santiago Collado, Ricard Casadesús, Daniel Blanco, Oscar Beltrán, Francisco Gallardo, Enrique Moros, Gonzalo Luis Recio, Jorge Martín Montoya, Ignacio del Carril, Rubén Herce, José Víctor Orón, Javier Sánchez-Cañizares and Antonio Pardo.