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Tit_El papel de los católicos en la revolución científica

The role of Catholics in the scientific revolution of the last centuries

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Texto_El papel de los católicos en la revolución científica

The role of Catholics in the scientific revolution

seminar from group Science, Reason and Faith. Ignacio del Villar. Pamplona, February 20, 2018.


Ignacio del Villar holds a PhD in Telecommunications Engineering and teaches Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Public University of Navarra. He is also a writer and catechist. He is the author of the recent book: "Ciencia y fe católica: de Galileo a Lejeune".


Prestigious personalities such as the American sociologist Rodney Stark recognise that the scientific revolution that has taken place in recent centuries in Europe has been the fruit of Christianity. Why precisely on this continent and at framework of this religion? To answer this question, the historical background will be analysed and five illustrious examples of Catholic scientists from the 16th to the 20th centuries will be presented, such as Galileo Galilei, Alessandro Volta, Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Louis Pasteur and Jérôme Lejeune, which are collected in the book "Science and the Catholic faith: from Galileo to Lejeune". To them we owe incredible inventions such as the pendulum, the thermometer, batteries or vaccines, astonishing discoveries such as the presence of an extra chromosome in individuals with Down's syndrome or the explanation of the movement of bodies by means of mathematical laws.