Texts, articles and reviews under label: 'Christianity'.
Science, reason and faith in Blaise Pascal
summaryPascal was a genius, sincere and constant search engine of the truth. He was passionate about the scientific novelties of his time. He had a deep religious conversion, which he wanted to transmit and which resulted in The Thoughts. His vindication of "the reasons of the heart" is classic.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda
Ratzinger on the conflict between science and faith
summaryA study of Joseph Ratzinger's vision of the science-faith conflict: in his explanations of the civil service examination between creation and evolution, he reconsiders the authentic nature of faith and the limits of reason, in order to arrive at a possible harmonization.
Author: Santiago Collado.
The miracle, a borderline concept in the science-faith dialogue
summaryScientific determinism makes the miracle a rupture of natural laws. Nowadays, the indeterministic physical phenomena allow the novelty and the miracle, and allow to consider its phenomenological aspect: something extraordinary that brings knowledge not conceptual but intuitive.
Author: David Urdaneta Durán
summaryCommentary on the alleged attribution of Christianity to St. Paul and St. Augustine: science of the historiography of the Sacred Scripture, scientific dating of the shroud, an explanation of the compatibility of miracles and science.
Author: Ignacio Sols.
The Christian inspiration of the science of nature
summaryThe development of mathematics as a science occurs in Greece, strongly associated with geometry. Physics develops in the later Christian environment, and its Christian matrix of ideas was necessary for this development.
Author: Ignacio Sols.
Scientific versus revealed data
summaryThe advance of science seems to make the religious cosmogony of Genesis on the origin of man unnecessary, but it produced the greatest leap of knowledge of History and it is still current. Points are raised core topic on what the Church says today about the origin of man.
Author: Pablo Edo
The Worldview of the Great Scientists: the Enlightenment
summaryThe usual interpretation is that, from the beginning of science, it was opposed to religion. The study of the Enlightenment sample is the opposite: believing scientists made it advance in discussion with Enlightenment ideologues who were enemies of religion and knew very little science.
Author: Juan Arana
Cover-up and truth. Some diagnostic features of today's society
summary roundtable about the book Encubrimiento y verdad: algunos rasgos diagnósticos de la sociedad actual. It analyses the concealment of truth that begins in modernity and continues in postmodernity, in a dynamic that has to do with a game of power in action.
Author: Jorge Martín Montoya and José Manuel Giménez Amaya
The scientific priest and the dimensions of the knowledge
summary instructions In the age of average, monks and priests such as Bacon, Saint Albert and Nicolas Oresme laid the foundations of modern science, in which figures such as Copernicus, Steno, Spallanzani, Mendel and Lemaître stand out. They integrated different fields of knowledge in their lives: science and literature, the material and the spiritual.
Author: Ignacio del Villar.
Priests and scientists. From Nicolas Copernicus to Georges Lemaître
summary: review to Ignacio del Villar, Priests and Scientists. From Nicolas Copernicus to Georges Lemaître. Digital Reasons, Spain 2019. The book examines the lives of scientists who were priests: Copernicus, Stenon, Spallanzani, Mendel and Lemaître.
Author: Enrique Solano
Lesson 2019: Fighting against religion in the name of science. Has the battle been won?
summary: Addresses the inherent conflict Degree between religious faith and science; the relative importance of science in processes of secularisation; and the complexity of the relationship between scientific thought and religious belief. It concludes by examining three scientific issues of contemporary interest.
Author: John Hedley Brooke.
Faith and science: no more reasons for conflict
summary: Review of the alleged problems between faith and science (the alleged obscurantism of the Middle Ages, the Galileo case, evolutionism, the big bang and the existence of God, neuroscience and the spiritual, etc.). The conclusion is that these are avoidable misunderstandings.
Author: Gabriel Zanotti.
Ecological sensitivity (and Christianity?)
summaryThe sensitivity for the environment does not seem to go hand in hand with Christianity. This seminar reflects from seven aspects of the environmental value and initiates a search of how, starting from those aspects, it is possible to establish a meeting with Christianity.
Author: Jordi Puig.
The Shroud of Turin: between science and faith
summary: Three important moments in the history of the Shroud of Turin are reviewed, from which valid lessons can be drawn for scientists, philosophers and theologians, and which serve to enrich the dialogue between science and faith in current debates.
Author: José Fernández Capo.
Frontiers between physics, metaphysics and theology
summary: The advance of science narrows the field of faith explanations. Although the boundaries between scientific and faith explanations yield to science, new questions can be seen behind the latest scientific explanations, which can only be answered from metaphysics or from faith.
Author: Grzegorz P. Karwasz.
summary: summary history of the history of ideas on the relationship between God and the world: Thales, Aristotle, Christian contribution and synthesis of St. Thomas, and current approaches with a scientistic and naturalistic background. Solutions to the aporias of current reflection are proposed, following Zizinski.
Author: Enrique Moros.
Science and religion: the realism of Michael Polanyi
summary: Michael Polanyi (1891-1976), a scholar of the foundations of science, contributes ideas such as the role in science and the search for truth of the personal knowledge , belief and tradition, which make it possible to establish an integrating space between science, Humanities and religion.
Author: Francisco Gallardo.
Climate change: What do we know and how do we respond?
summary: Science is making it possible to understand the effects and impacts of climate change. The precautionary principle encourages us to take action on this issue, but we continue to act as if it is not happening. Here we show the scientific instructions of the problem and its ethical implications.
Author: Emilio Chuvieco.
Hasn't the notion of the soul become obsolete?
summaryBasic questions concerning the concept of the soul: how it explains the peculiarities of living beings - structure, development, movement - and their unity, the peculiarities of the human soul and the enrichment of this concept in the Christian tradition.
Author: Santiago Collado
God's creation or blind evolution of the subject?
Author: Juan Luis Lorda
Aquinas on Intelligent Extra-Terrestrial Life
summaryAquinas took an interest in the question of whether there were intelligent material beings other than humans in the universe, both as a philosopher and as a theologian. As a philosopher he sought to understand the order of the universe and this entails ascertaining what beings are in the universe. As a theologian he sought knowledge of created beings insofar as it leads to a greater understanding, admiration, and love of the creator, and also insofar as it frees one from superstitious beliefs which pose an obstacle to faith in God. Although Aquinas was unable to approach the question of the existence of intelligent extra-terrestrial life from the scientific perspective of our day, he does raise some generally overlooked philosophical questions regarding the status of such beings. His theological reflections are helpful for addressing the frequently voiced claim that the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life would spell the end of Christianity. Aquinas's position is that it is possible that ETs of a certain sort exist, but improbable that they do. I will begin by considering Aquinas's philosophical positions on the possibility of ET life, and then will take up his theological views thereon, closing with his arguments regarding the probability of ET life.
Author: Marie I. George (St. John's University, Jamaica, New York)
Benedict XVI thinks of the University:
From Regensburg to Berlin, via Rome and London
summaryThe conference extracts Benedict XVI's basic ideas on the faith-reason relationship from his speeches in Regensburg, La Sapienza, London and Berlin.
Author: Josep-Ignasi Saranyana, member of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences (Vatican City).
Science and faith. Ideas for an impact
Author: Ignacio Sols
Commentary by Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti in Nature Magazine
summaryTranslation of paragraphs from a commentary by Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti in the journal Nature, on John Paul II and the relationship between science and faith.
summaryInterview on the origin of the current conception of the relationship between science and faith, modern scientism and faith-evolution compatibility.
Darwin and religion: the story of a dialogue between science and faith
Author: Juan Pablo Martínez Rica
The science-faith dialogue in the Encyclical "Fides et ratio".
summaryScientific realism, science, reason and faith, reflective capacity, science and truth, modalities of truth, truth and belief, the unity of knowledge, science and wisdom, scientism, the Galileo case, the reverse, the assumptions of science and the impact of its progress, three concluding considerations.
Author: Mariano Artigas
"The Splendour of Truth" for a Christian Scientist
summaryIn this paper the consequences of the process of separation of faith and reason and its relation to the different meanings of the word truth are analysed from a scientific perspective. It starts from the concepts enunciated by the Pope in Regensburg and attempts to describe the historical evolution from the ancient concept of "reason" to that of "scientific reason" and the birth of a "scientistic" ideology which has nowadays become established in society. The problems created by this ideology are highlighted and the impossibility of science to give a rational justification to the ends of human behaviour (ethics) and to the universe in general (the "meaning" or "purpose") is sample . As proposal attempts to show how one can try to recompose the concept of "truth of things", considering that science and religious faith are complementary descriptions of reality that are not mutually exclusive, both at the individual level in the person of a scientist and at the level of thought in the Philosophy of Science.
Author: Héctor L. Mancini
The great enigma. Atheists and believers facing the uncertainty of the afterlife.
summaryThe relationship between the book of revelation and the book of nature depends on the picture of the world, which is obtained through science and philosophy. Today it seems that science establishes the most reliable way. What approaches does this scientific image favour and how does it explain the silence of God?
Author: Javier Monserrat
The role of Catholics in the scientific revolution of the last centuries
summaryThe scientific revolution has taken place in a Christian environment. To illustrate this, historical background is analysed and five examples of Catholic scientists from the 16th to the 20th centuries are presented: Galileo Galilei, Alessandro Volta, Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Louis Pasteur and Jérôme Lejeune.
Author: Ignacio del Villar
The Vatican and evolution. The reception of Darwinism on the file of the Table of Contents
summaryThe opening of file of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in 1988, has given access to the existing documentation on the first reaction of the Vatican authorities to the theory of evolution. This article presents the research initiated by Mariano Artigas in 1999 to determine the attitude of the Congregation of the Index towards Catholic authors who defended the compatibility between evolution and Christian doctrine, and its main results. Despite the fact that Catholic theology severely criticised evolutionism, the authorities of the Holy See maintained a certain prudence, which avoided a frontal meeting between evolution and Catholic doctrine.
Author: Rafael A. Martínez
Interview with Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti in Nature Magazine
summaryTranslation of paragraphs from an interview with Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti in the journal Nature, in which the Pope's interest in science and the Church's future challenges in relation to scientific advances are noted.
Scientific spirit and religious faith according to Manuel García Morente
summaryReflections by García Morente on the reaction of the scientist's rejection of faith: the argument of scientific progress, which would make religion unnecessary. Reflection on the philosophy of history and the unity of vital experience.
Author: Sergio Sánchez-Migallón
Evolutionism, philosophy and Christianity. Henri Bergson died 50 years ago
summaryBrief biographical sketch: grade , creative evolution, Bergson and Spain, the mystics, vital tensions, truth, scientism, materialism and spiritualism.
Author: Mariano Artigas
summary summary very concise of the position of the Catholic Church on biological evolution, and contrast with fundamentalist Protestant positions.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Evolutionism and Christian faith
summaryThe catholic doctrine on creation, the scope of natural sciences, evolution and divine action, the difficulties and their roots, the knowledge of divine action: reason and revelation, the origin of the universe, the origin of life, the evolution of living things, the origin of man, the evolutionist worldview.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Natural purpose and the existence of God
summaryIt examines the seal of God in creation, the finality of creation, the perfection of the created world, the divine government of the world, the teleological argument, the problem of evil, the relationship between science and finality and the question of the meaning of human life.
Author: Mariano Artigas
summaryReflection on the change from confidence in the rationality of science to scientific irrationalism in the context of the Galileo case.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Galileo after the Pontifical Commission
summaryThe criticisms of the Commission and the final speeches, preliminary clarifications, 10 November 1979: The manifestation of a wish, May-July 1981: Creation of the Commission, the work of the Commission, Were there any secret documents, Towards the conclusion of the work, How to conclude, 31 October 1992: The conclusion of the work of the Commission, final assessment.
Author: Mariano Artigas
summaryPresentation of "Galileo e il Vaticano", translation of the Spanish version.
Galileo today. Three and a half centuries after the trial
summary350 years ago, Galileo appeared before the Holy See official document in Rome, and the following year he was condemned. This famous trial has been clearly deplored by the Church. But these facts are also abused, drawing from them false conclusions that are applied to judge various current problems.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Hawking and God: physics gives what it gives
summary: Article commenting on the summary of Hawking's ideas published in The Times about the book "The Great design". The idea of multiverse is free and does not imply problems to faith or to the existence of God.
Author: Santiago Collado González
Table of contents of the book 'Science, Reason and Faith'.
summaryComplete index of Mariano Artigas' book 'Ciencia, Razón y Fe'. Pamplona: Eunsa, 2004.
Author: Mariano Artigas
summaryInterview with Karl W. Giberson. Participation in television debates on evolution and creationism make Karl W. Giberson, physicist and Christian theologian, an important figure when talking about the clash between science and faith. Are Darwin's ideas evidence for the non-existence of God?
Author: Emili J. Blasco
Evolution today. Evolutionism: the fact and its implications.
summaryA popular commentary on the content of Ayala's book. It has the virtuality of exposing current theories although it is somewhat blunt in its scientific optimism, and leaves some important philosophical questions barely sketched out.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Religion in the face of scientific progress.
En torno a un libro-survey by José María Gironella
summaryAs the book is voluminous (486 pages, but with many photos), I first looked for the people I found most interesting; I suppose this is what almost everyone does. When I had read a few answers, I seemed to notice that the interviewees who are scientists or have studied science do not see any opposition between science and religion, and that, on the contrary, those who think that such an opposition exists are people who, although educated, have not been involved in science. I found it interesting to test whether this hypothesis was valid, and I set about testing it at test by studying all the responses. My conclusion was that the hypothesis holds up quite well.
Author: Mariano Artigas
summaryAnalogy and the fundamental levels of experience. Constructivist materialism. Vitalist naturalism. The whole as spirit. A personal universe: God and mankind. The drift of the enlightened mentality.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda
The three explanations for the origin and evolution of the universe
summaryArticle on the three possible global explanations of reality: materialism, pantheism and creationism, with reflections on how the only coherent vision is the creationist one and its connection with the Christian faith.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda
Lesson 2013: Christianity and the ongoing challenge of Evolution
summaryThe modern astronomy forced a serious questioning of the interpretation of the Bible; this has not been the case with evolution and the origin of man in Protestant Christianity. The speaker explains the current American positions and their possible solution.
Author: Prof. Karl Giberson
summaryReview of an issue of the Revue des Questions Scientifiques from 1880, in which the arguments on science and religion are very similar to those of today.
Author: José María Valderas
summaryThe present article is an update of the status quaestionissof the origin of the human being in the light of the most recent anthropological and genetic research data. It reviews the latest contributions of science and the current state of research, as well as a philosophical reading of the data in the light of the catholic doctrine on the origin of man.
Author: Rubén Herce
Overview of discussion Creationism-Evolutionism
Author: Santiago Collado
Protestant Reformation and modern science
summaryIn the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, the relationship between Protestantism and modern science (especially in the 16th and 17th centuries) is reviewed, with special emphasis on the complex reaction of Catholics and Protestants to Copernicanism; the interpretation of biblical texts is also discussed.
Author: Pablo de Felipe.
Sciencie and Religion in Dialogue
summaryCompilation of a series of lectures on science and religion given by the various authors in China, funded by the Templeton Foundation.
Author: José Manuel Fidalgo
Science and Spirituality: Making Room for Faith in the Age of Science
Author: Michael Ruse
summaryA serious and dispassionate description of the euthanasia situation in the Netherlands, which sample shows that opposition to euthanasia is not exclusive to Christianity.
Author: Herbert Hendin
Author: Enrique Moros
Society, Science and Faith: A Physicist's Perspective
summary: To say that today there is a crisis of faith and that the scientific and technical development influences this crisis is nothing new. knowledge If, as the First Vatican Council affirms, "reason and faith are two sources of Truth, one revealed and the other coming from observation", we should not find opposition between them. However, in fact, the controversy exists. The Second Vatican Council insisted again on the topic with great emphasis, as circumstances were aggravated during the 20th century by conflicts with positivism and materialism. The spread of Marxism turned the polemic into an important social phenomenon, and its consequences have not disappeared with the decline of Marxism. The polemic, which until a few decades ago for people of faith consisted in answering the accusation that religion is "the opium of the people", has led, with the healthy increase of tolerance, to a religious indifference that finds its best environment in the urban culture of the big cities.
Author: Héctor L. Mancini
Theology and Science in a Christian Vision of the University
Author: José Luis Illanes
summaryStudy of the possibility of rational extraterrestrial life in the context of Catholic doctrine: the problems raised concern above all the unique origin of the human race, its salvation by Christ and the possibility of another Incarnation to redeem this other world.
Author: Marie I. George (St. John's University, New York)
Three cases: Galileo, Lavoisier and Duhem
summaryEveryone has heard of the Galileo case, almost always in a biased way. Few know that Lavoisier, one of the founders of chemistry, was guillotined by the French Revolution. Hardly anyone has heard of Pierre Duhem, an important physicist, author of a monumental work on the history and philosophy of science that shed new light on the positive relations between science and faith. When one speaks of science and faith, two words come to mind: opposition and Galileo. Few think of collaboration, and none of Duhem.
Author: Mariano Artigas