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Climate change: What do we know and how do we respond?

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Climate change: What do we know and how do we respond? 

seminar from group Science, Reason and Faith.
Emilio Chuvieco. Pamplona, May 15, 2018.


Emilio Chuvieco Salinero is Full Professor of Geography at the University of Alcalá, where he directs the group of research in Environmental Remote Sensing and the Chair of environmental ethics. He is a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Sciences. He has been a visiting researcher at the Universities of Berkeley, Cambridge, Santa Barbara, Maryland and the Canadian Remote Sensing Center. He has participated in 31 projects of research and 22 contracts. He has directed 35 doctoral thesis . He has co-authored 28 books and 335 articles and book chapters. He has 5 sexenios of research recognized. Co-publisher principal of the journal Remote Sensing of Environment. He was awarded in 2000 with the award of research of the committee Social of the University of Alcalá and in 2016 with the award for excellence in the direction of thesis doctoral at the same university.


The best science we have available allows us to know the foreseeable impacts and effects of global warming. The precautionary principle encourages us to take strong action on this issue, but at internship we continue to act as if "nothing is happening". The session aims to show, on the one hand, the scientific instructions of this problem and, on the other hand, its ethical implications, in short, what consequences should be derived from the current knowledge at our disposal.