
Rescher and Gadamer: two complementary views on the limits of science

Author: Alfredo Marcos
Date of publication: Pamplona, 16 April 2013

Alfredo Marcos is Full Professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of Valladolid. He has numerous publications on topics such as bioethics, Aristotle's Philosophy , the Philosophy of biology, information theory and evolution, among others.

summaryThe question about the limits of science leads us to think about the metaphor of the limit itself. We discover that there are different types of limits, as well as different possible actions in relation to them. In short, there are limits that shape science and others that constrain it. The former must be respected, the latter overcome. We explore these limits following the suggestions of Rescher and Gadamer. The views of both are complementary. The former establishes the limits of science by looking from within science; the latter from an outside view, which looks at the cultural position of science.
