Course "The challenge of reading on the classroom".
The methodology of the Great Books Seminars
II Edition - 2023
For centuries, Education has taught people to speak clearly, read thoughtfully and write rigorously. This is why educators are increasingly concerned with the low reading level of young people and, above all, with the obstacles to their discovering the pleasure of reading. The reading of the great works of literature and thought continues to offer a privileged access to the cultural tradition and a financial aid to meet these challenges.
The Great Books Seminar methodology has more than a century of tradition and is a hallmark of some of the best educational centers in the world, both at teaching average and above. However, in our context educational they are still something new. Based on the reading of classical works (ancient and modern), they focus on dialogical commentary and the essay of argumentative essays to connect the texts with the great human questions.
This course is theoretical and practical in nature. Its main objective goal is to teach the methodology so that participants can apply it on classroom. It consists of plenary sessions and sessions in groups of a maximum of 20 participants, where the methodology is applied to a book.
Be part of the experience of the Great Books Program at the University of Navarra, where most of the professors come from, as well as similar initiatives at other universities. This second edition is organized by the Centro Humanismo Cívico del Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarra.
→ Academic direction of the course: Álvaro Sánchez-Ostiz and José María Torralba (University of Navarra).
August 30 and 31, 2023
postgraduate program of the University of Navarra in Madrid.
Calle Marquesado de Sta. Marta, 3 28027 Madrid (Spain)
Civic Humanism Center. Institute for Culture and Society
T. +34 948 425600 (Ext. 802276) -
Aimed at
It is aimed primarily at high school, high school diploma and college educators, but is open to all interested parties.
In addition to the lectures, the course consists of four group sessions dedicated to the commentary of a book or text. Each will follow, as a general guideline , the following schedule: 15 minutes of introduction by the teacher, 1 hour and 15 minutes of commentary on the book, 10 minutes of pause and 20 minutes for a final reflection on pedagogical issues.
Group sessions on books
The 36 books chosen are representative of various literary genres and historical periods. In each session there will be nine groups, with twenty participants each. This facilitates active participation. You will be able to choose which group to participate in. It will be necessary to have read the corresponding text in advance. Material will also be sent to prepare each session.
registration ordinary
(until July 17):
200 euros
Price information:
* Scholarships will be granted to those who can justify their need.
* The enrollment includes meals and coffees for both days, as well as the material professor that will be provided.
The course can be subsidized by FUNDAE, under the usual conditions and according to rules and regulations. The 8 hours of the sessions can be credited at group (the time dedicated to the plenary conferences is not eligible for bonuses because it is given to more than 30 people). Each employee should apply for the discount through your business. If you need financial aid or have any doubts regarding procedure to qualify for the course, you can write to department of training of the Spanish Confederation of Centers of teaching:
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
10.00 - roundtable plenary "Young people and reading".
- Catherine L'Ecuyer, PhD in Education and Psychology, lecturer and writer.
- Luis González, director of the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation
- Fernando Rodríguez-Borlado, professor of language and Literature (high school Tajamar), director of the podcast "La Education, a discussion".
11.30 Coffee break
12.00 - Breakout Session 1 (choose one of the following eight groups)
1 | Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, War Pilot | Pablo Pérez | Full Professor of Contemporary History. University of Navarra |
2 | F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby | Luis Echarte | Senior Associate Professor of Medical Ethics. University of Navarra |
3 | William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet | Victoria Hernández Ruiz | Professor of Literary Theory and Purchased Literature. Francisco de Vitoria University |
4 | Ferenc Molnar, The Boys from Pal Street | Enrique García-Máiquez | Writer, literary critic and professor of education average |
5 | Jorge Luis Borges, The South | Javier de Navascués | Full Professor of Spanish-American Literature, University of Navarra, Spain. |
6 | George Orwell, Animal Farm | Fernando Ariza | Senior Associate Professor of Literature, Universidad CEU San Pablo |
7 | Sophocles, Oedipus Rex | Manuel Cruz | Professor of Ancient Philosophy , University of Navarra |
8 | Socrates, Apology | Miquel Solans | Professor of Ancient Philosophy , University of Navarra |
14.00 Lunch
16.00 Breakout session 2 (choose one of the following eight groups)
1 | Flannery O'Connor, The Artificial Negro | Pablo Pérez | Full Professor of Contemporary History. University of Navarra |
2 | Aldous Huxley, Brave New World | Luis Echarte | Senior Associate Professor of Medical Ethics. University of Navarra |
3 | Jorge Manrique, Coplas a la muerte de su padre (couplets on his father's death) | Enrique García-Máiquez | Writer, literary critic and professor of teaching average |
4 | Julio Ramón Ribeyro, Silvio in the Rose Garden | Javier de Navascués | Full Professor of Spanish-American Literature. University of Navarra |
5 | Henry James, Another Turn of the Screw | Daniel Capó | publishercolumnist and literary critic |
6 | Sophocles, Antigone | Juan Alfredo Obarrio | Full Professor from Roman Law. University of Valencia |
7 | Robert L. Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde | Manuel Cruz | Professor of Ancient Philosophy , University of Navarra |
8 | Plato, Crito | Miquel Solans | Professor of Ancient Philosophy , University of Navarra |
18.00 End
Thursday, August 31, 2023
09.00 - Session on future projects about reading in the classroom
- Tania Santiago, pedagogical director, group COAS
- Emma Cohen de Lara, Association for Core Texts and Courses
10.00 - lecture plenary "Educational principles of the teaching with Great Books".
- Álvaro Sánchez-Ostiz, Full Professor of Philology Latina, University of Navarra
- José María Torralba, Full Professor of Philosophy Moral and Politics, University of Navarra
11.30 - Coffee break
12.00 - Breakout session 3 (choose one of the following eight groups)
1 | Apuleius, Psyche and Cupid | Álvaro Sánchez-Ostiz | Full Professor of Philology Latina. University of Navarra |
2 | Raymond Carver, They are not your husband | Gabriel Insausti | Writer and Senior Associate Professor of Contemporary Literature. University of Navarra |
3 | Lev Tolstoy, After the Ball | José Manuel Mora-Fandos | Professor of Hispanic Literatures. Complutense University of Madrid |
4 | Mary Shelley, Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus | Gregorio Luri | Essayist and professor of teaching average |
5 | Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice | Daniel Capó | publishercolumnist and literary critic |
6 | Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Books VIII and IX: On Friendship | Miguel Marti | Professor of Philosophy Antigua. Francisco de Vitoria University |
7 | Euripides, Medea | Ana María Fernández Vallejo | Professor of Applied Literature and management , University of Navarra, Spain |
8 | Antoine de Saint Exupéry, The Little Prince | Pilar Zambrano | Senior Associate Professor of Philosophy del Derecho. University of Navarra |
14.00 - Lunch
16.00 - Breakout session 4 (choose one of the following eight groups)
1 | Joseph Roth, The Legend of the Holy Drinker | Gabriel Insausti | Writer and Senior Associate Professor of Contemporary Literature. University of Navarra |
2 | Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote | Antonio Barnés | Professor of Hispanic Literatures, Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
3 | Plato, Euthyphro | Gregorio Luri | Essayist and professor of teaching average |
4 | Cicero, The Laws | Armando Zerolo | Senior Associate Professor of Philosophy Politics and Law. CEU San Pablo University |
5 | Michel de Montaigne, Of Friendship (English session) | Emma Cohen de Lara | Senior Lecturer, Amsterdam University College |
6 | José Ortega y Gasset, La rebelión de las masas (The Revolt of the Masses) | José María Torralba | Full Professor of Philosophy Moral and Political. University of Navarra |
7 | George Orwell, 1984 | Ana María Fernández Vallejo | Professor of Applied Literature and management . University of Navarra |
8 | William Shakespeare, Macbeth | Pilar Zambrano | Professor of Law Philosophy , University of Navarra, Spain |
18.00 End
Civic Humanism Center, Institute for Culture and Society
Campus Universitario s/n, Pamplona 31009 Navarra
948425600 Ext 802276