Ruta de navegación



Aplicaciones anidadas




Ruth Breeze

Institute for Culture and Society

Public discourse

+34 948 425600

Carmen Llamas Sáiz

University of Navarra

department of Philology

+34 948 425600

Manuel Casado Velarde

Institute for Culture and Society

Public discourse

+34 948 425600

Miguel Ayerbe

University of the Basque Country

Dto. Philology German and English

Ana Mª Fernández Vallejo


speech Cooperative, Analysis of the speech

+34 948 425600

The Task Force

Jan Zienkowski

Saint-Louis University

+34 948 425600

Dámaso Izquierdo Alegría

University of Antwerp

Dept. of Linguistics

+34 948 425600

Ana Jimeno Zuazu

University of Navarra

Dept. of Philology

+34 948 425600

Ricardo Jiménez Yáñez

International University of Catalonia

School of Law

External collaborators

Ronny Scholz

University of Warwick

Centre for Applied Linguistics

Eleonora Esposito

University Oman

Sultan Qaboos