project COMPLETED (2019-2022)
Adolescent dating violence (ADV) is defined as the physical, sexual or psychological/emotional abuse, including threats, towards an intimate partner during adolescence. It can also take place virtually, for example by bullying or controlling a partner using a mobile phone or through social media. Among adolescents, psychological violence is more frequent than physical or sexual violence, although a peak in physical intimate partner violence is observed at 16-17 years of age, decreasing at later ages.
Estimates of the prevalence of ADV vary, depending on the sample chosen, the age range or the subject of violence analysed. In Spain, approximately 30% of adolescents have experienced some form of ADV subject . In order to prevent it effectively, it is necessary to identify its determinants.
In this project we use the procedures of YourLife project to depth in the knowledge of personal and situational determinants of PAV in a representative sample of 3,000 adolescents aged 12 to 18 years old in Spain, taking into account their geographical, cultural, socioeconomic and educational diversity. High School children answer an anonymous questionnaire about their lifestyles and personal relationships. Questions include, for example, attitudes towards violence, gender stereotypes, risky sexual behaviour, alcohol and drug use, pornography use, etc. All participating schools will receive a report with the main results of their pupils.
This more detailed knowledge of profile of adolescents involved in ADV can be used by schools to design specific preventive measures or programmes for their own students. Since the questionnaire of this project is designed not only to assess ADV but also knowledge, attitudes and lifestyles, the results found may also have application in the development of health education programmes, sexual education and/or prevention of other risk behaviours in adolescents.
This project has been funded by the Health Research Fund of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and co-financed by the European Regional Fund (ERDF) ( Ref.: PI 18-01126). It lasts 3 years (2019-2021) and is endowed with 38,720 euros.
More information:
Main researcher

Cristina López del Burgo
group Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality ,