essay The University of Navarra, at partnership with Brigham Young University (BYU) in the United States, is carrying out the first randomized clinical trial inemotionally focused therapy in Spanish-speaking countries.
Emotion-focused therapy is a couple therapy model developed by Dr. Susan Johnson (University of Ottawa, Canada), which has had broad empirical support through clinical trials conducted with American and Canadian couples. However, there is no research with couples at language in Spain.
The study is being carried out in five countries: Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina and Costa Rica. The participants are 17 therapists and 11 supervisors from 11 different countries, and a team from research made up of professors and researchers from five universities located in three countries: Spain, Canada and the USA.
This study has been inscribed at the Clinical Trial Official Register from the Federal Government of The United States under the number NCT04277325.

researcher manager
Martiño Rodríguez-González
group "Infinity: family, love and sexuality."
researcher manager
Shayne Anderson
Brigham Young University
→ Alfonso Osorio (Institute for Culture and Society)
→ María Calatrava (Institute for Culture and Society)
→ Jokin De Irala Estévez (Institute for Culture and Society)
→ Dania Andrade (Institute for Culture and Society)
→ Jonathan Sandberg (Brigham Young University)
→ María Pilar Martínez Díaz (Universidad Pontificia de Comillas)
→ Marie France Lafontaine (University of Ottawa)
→ Patrick Steffen (Brigham Young University)
→ Paul Greenman (University of Québec au Outaouais)
→ Alessandra Sambuceti (School of Education and Psychology)
→ Ángeles Cueli (Institute for Culture and Society)
→ Mariarita Bertuzzi (Universidad de los Andes).
→ Alfonso Villareal (MEX)
→ Ali Barbosa (MEX)
→ Cecilia Paredes (MEX)
→ Elisa Múgica (ESP)
→ Elisa Godino (ESP)
→ Emilia Malavassi (CRI)
→ Emilio Quinto (GUA)
→ Esteban Azurmendi (ARG)
→ Gerardo Vázquez (MEX)
→ Ileana Morera (CRI)
→ Itziar Arana (ESP)
→ Lola Fatás (ESP)
→ Mariana Butty (ARG)
→ Mónica Díaz (MEX)
→ Shirley Galindo (GUA)
→ Silvina Goso (ARG)
→ Verónica Selem (ARG)
→ Ali Barbosa (MEX)
→ Emilio Quinto(GUA)
→ Gerardo Vázquez (MEX)
→ Natalia Gilabert (ARG)
→ Sam Jinich (USA)
→ Joe Cantú (USA)
→ rule Brito (CRI)
→ Susana Franklin (MEX)
→ Victoria Osuna (MEX)
→ Analia Larumbe (GBR)
→ Teresa Subercaseaux (USA)

In this section, we present data about the emotionally focused therapy model and testimonies from couples who have undergone therapy with one of the therapists involved in the E(f)FECTS project.
Emotionally focused therapy is 1 of 2 unique models in the couple’s therapy world classified as evidence-based treatment.
It has nine randomized clinical trials and dozens of programs of study of results indicating that this model couples therapy significantly improves relationship adjustment.
"We did other therapies before, but with this one I discovered how to express my emotions in a way that makes me feel closer than ever to my partner and that is wonderful."
Martín, Spain
"We learned more about ourselves and our emotions, and that, despite how we are feeling from one day to the next, we have deeper feelings, mainly love and the desire to be together and connect. I feel a huge change."
Daiana, Argentina
The therapy has a 73% effectiveness rate and 90% satisfaction score.
62% of couples continue to improve or maintain their improvements two years after completing this therapy, according to follow-up studies.
"This therapy has allowed me to recognize my own feelings and emotions, to reconstruct and nurture the relationship between me and my partner.”
Lorena, Mexico
"This therapy has helped my inner light shine in an indescribable way, which allows me to unconditionally support my partner."
Leslie, Guatemala