Estudios_Especialización_Admision FAQ

Admission and enrollment

For Admissions Office it is required to have programs of study at Civil Law or Canon Law or to be working (or to have worked) in ecclesiastical courts or in matters related to matrimonial causes: judges, defenders of the bond, notaries, chancellors, lawyers, advisors, counsellors and mediators, psychiatrists, those responsible for family pastoral care, institutions or organisations working with the family, etc.


Candidates should send the following documents by e-mail to administrative office at Diploma:

> Academic certification of the programs of study courses taken.
> Copy
of the National Identity Card (National Identity Card) or Passport.
> Photograph.

> After having been admitted
: certificate of the payment of the registration fee.

In the Diplomas of specialization only identical subjects of parallel programs are validated (for example, if after having taken a specific diploma , you wish to take another one that also contains the same subject, program and professor).

The enrollment is done in parts according to the number of credits enrolled.

The price of each subject is calculated at €75.40/.ECTS credit

> fees academic: full program (30 ECTS credit: 2.262€).
fees of administrative office: 25€.
Expedition of degree scroll: 90€.

Once admitted, the enrollment can be paid by the following methods: 

> Payment with card from credit .
> Payment by bank transfer
: If this method of payment is preferred, it can be made to the following current account held by the University of Navarra:

La Caixa / CaixaBank

ES 80 2100.2173.86.0200492749


Banco Santander

EN 40 0049.1821.09.2210657574

(place del Castillo, 39, main office in Pamplona).

When formalising the enrollment , proof of the transfer previously made must be presented; without the student sending the certificate to the secretary's office, the enrollment will not be considered formalised.

To go to Admissions Office please fill out the form. Once you have completed and sent the documentation we will confirm your Admissions Office.

> END OF deadline FOR apply for THE Admissions Office:
1 December 2022.
> END OF deadline TO FORMALISE enrollment, ONCE ADMITTED:
15 December 2022.