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Some news of what's going on at School.


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05 | 11 | 2013

The agora of Athens moves to the University

TextoMiguel Ángel Echávarri

ImagenManuel Castells

05 | 11 | 2013

Solidarity Study Olympiad begins

TextoVeronica Gomara

28 | 10 | 2013

Destination: Pamplona

TextoMiguel Ángel Echávarri

ImagenManuel Castells

25 | 10 | 2013

Agreements with George Washington and Northern Colorado bring the number of exchange destinations for School in Economics to 101.

TextoMiguel M. Ariztegi

ImagenManuel Castells

23 | 10 | 2013

Social impact of the research in tropical health

ImagenManuel Castells

23 | 10 | 2013

Some data on the contribution of the University of Navarra to the region of Navarre

23 | 10 | 2013

"Given the lack of consensus, we have decided to terminate the agreement on Donapea".

ImagenSantiago González Barros


Josean Perez

Josean Perez Caro

Head of Communication

+34 948 42 56 00
Extension: 802177