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The School of Philosophy and Letters signature four new agreements of exchange for its students from Degree

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In addition to the destinations offered, the universities of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Jesuit Ignatianum (Poland), Carl von Ossietzky (Germany) and Zeppelin (Germany) are also offered.


The School of Philosophy and Letters has signed four new exchange agreements for its students at Degree, in addition to the 40 it has already signed with other institutions. In addition, the University of Navarra has 40 more agreements, from which students from any Degree or School can benefit.

As of the next academic year 2023-24, students of the Degree in language and Spanish Literature will be able to study at the University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) and at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (Germany). Among the destinations so far offered for students of the Degree at Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)(PPE) include the Jesuit University Ignatianum (Krakow, Poland). On the other hand students of any of the Degrees offered by School will be able to take a semester at Zeppelin University (Germany).

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40 agreements in 19 countries

The School of Philosophy y Letras has a total of 40 agreements of exchange with universities in 19 countries in Europe, America and Africa. These include the universities of Heidelberg (Germany), Lille 3 (France), La Sapienza (Italy), Strathmore (Kenya), Bristol (United Kingdom), Coimbra (Portugal), and the Catholic University of Argentina. In addition, School is a partner of the University of Oxford, an institution where students of Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) can take a semester, provided they have a grade average minimum of 8.2 and a TOEFL 100 level of English, paying the enrollment of both universities.


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Merino Health, Monash University

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"When I chose degree program, I remember being fascinated by the idea of being able to do two exchanges. It has been something I have been very clear about all this time and have been looking forward to."


There are many students who decide to take a semester course outside Spain to enrich their curriculum at degree program . This is the case of Salud Merino, a 4th year student of the double Degree in Philosophy and Law, who last September started the academic year at Monash University (Australia). She says she has always enjoyed traveling and discovering new cultures. "When I chose degree program, I remember being fascinated by the idea of being able to do two exchanges. It has been something I have been very clear about all this time and I have been looking forward to it," she explains. With a good level of English and the desire to perfect language, Salud chose Australia "because going to a faraway place, literally on the other side of the world, seemed like a great challenge , and Australia was very appealing to me because it was completely new to me". Of all the universities offered among the exchange destinations, she chose Monash "because of its great prestige, its range of subjects and its beautiful campus," she says.


Our student says that once there, what most caught her attention was the Australian lifestyle and the mix of cultures: "It is incredible and very enriching the contact that you have all the time with very different people but, at the same time, they have a common lifestyle, much more relaxed than in Europe". Another big surprise was the method and dynamics of the classes, "very markedly Anglo-Saxon in style". "Most of the time, the teacher became almost a spectator or a moderator", he explains.

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Salud says that exchange has made him more aware"of the soundness and coherence of the philosophical knowledge we are taught at the University of Navarra. The intellectual humility and the sincere search for truth that is instilled in us has helped me a lot to open myself to new ideas and try to build bridges". In this sense, he explains that one of the most valuable contributions of his exchange in Australia, in addition to good friendships, "is the awareness that you can learn from people with whom you seem to share nothing, or very little":"The richness of a truly understanding and humble dialogue helps you financial aid tobring out the best version of yourself, and opens you up to others and to the world".

For all these reasons, he does not hesitate to recommend to his classmates the experience of taking advantage of these opportunities that School offers its students during their university years: "Getting out of your comfort zone, meeting incredible people, learning from everyone and everything in different contexts, traveling, and being lucky enough to live the university experience in another country is one of the best things we can do. At least from my experience, you come out improved, with new friendships and concerns."


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United States

Carmen Real de Asúa, Catholic University of America

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Carmen Real de Asúa, a 4th year student of Degree at Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE), shares the same opinion. In her opinion, going to exchange is a very enriching experience: "Living abroad makes you grow personally, gives you the opportunity to meet people from other countries, which opens your mind a lot, and gives you other points of view and a more critical view of things. Besides, you enjoy yourself and have a great time".

Carmen did a exchange last semester at the Catholic University of America (United States), attracted by its system educational and by the city where it is located, Washington D.C., "an ideal destination to study politics". She says that one of the things she liked most about the university was its campus, "like a mini-city", and its extracurricular offerings: "You have almost every club you can imagine: film, theater, basketball, cooking...". He explains that the classes he attended were very interesting and enriching: "I learned a lot and I noticed that I already had a great knowledge acquired from what I learned at the University of Navarra, which allowed me to keep up with the classes, follow them easily and make the most of them".


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Carmen Zaldívar, Sogang University

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Korea was the destination chosen by Carmen Zaldívar, a 4th year student of Degree at Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). Although she was "happy" in Pamplona, "I thought that getting out of my routine would help me to grow and get to know other realities," she explains. Until then, the country's culture was foreign and unknown to him, but he coincided with some people who dreamed of visiting it. "It was clear to me that I wanted to go to a place where I was going to have a cultural shock and where I would never have the opportunity to go again, and Korea seemed like the best option." In addition, his host university, Sogang, offered subjects in politics, "the field I am most interested in from my degree program".


It was clear to me that I wanted to go to a place where I was going to have a culture shock and where I would never have the opportunity to go again, and Korea seemed like the best choice."

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When asked about the things that most caught her attention when she arrived in Korea, she assures that"Asian culture is completely out of our schemes". According to our student, common issues in Spain, such as eating or studying in group, are activities that are usually done individually, "in addition to everyday details very different from ours, such as eating with chopsticks, taking off shoes when entering the houses or being completely silent in public transport," she adds.

In this sense, she says that one of the most valuable things she gained from her stay in Korea was the realization that "our way of doing things is not always the only one, nor the best, and that prejudices are an impediment to discovering other cultures, such as the Asian one, which we tend to turn our backs on. Like her colleagues, she also affirms that "getting out of the comfort zone financial aid is a great way to get to know oneself and for me, as a final year student, it helped me to project myself professionally and to know what my priorities are. On the other hand, although the academic programs of the University of Navarra is very good, complementing it with that of another university in the world gives you a very complete training ".
