Plan of development professional and staff
The Plan of development Professional and staff arises as tool to support the training integral student, helping them to develop along the Degree skills, values and attitudes. It is intended to help students reach their maximum development as individuals and professionals.
To get the student to develop cross-cutting skills and competencies that allow them to connect and develop their profession in the work environment, in an efficient and satisfactory manner.
Facilitating employment rate and the professional development of student.
Show the student all the potential of the Degree who is studying and all that can and will be done for him.
To show companies that there is a solid plan for training in competencies.
This plan is developed through sessions, workshops, round tables or other activities.
A complete overview is available at sample . complete vision of the subjects of Degree, as well as their meaning in the training and their link with the employment opportunities.
It is a session internship in which they participate and self-evaluate. The concept of concept of success as overcoming difficulties. Success does not consist in getting everything right but in being able to get up when there is a failure.
It seeks to highlight the value of the protagonism of the student in its trajectory, the decisions taken or not taken have an impact on its professional development and staff.
exhibition of the different projects of volunteer activities that they can carry out. This activity is carried out jointly with Tantaka (Solidarity Time Bank of the University of Navarra). The volunteer activities allows the student to get to know other realities and to develop generosity and self-esteem.
We work on honestyinternship through cases so that the student is able to identify different situations and how to act with honesty.
They need to know how to to lead themselves and others in order to help them bring out the best in themselves.
This is a workshop in which the student performs a SWOT analysis of his or her own competencies. competencies with the goal to identify areas for improvement and design a personalized improvement plan to be implemented during their mandatory internship. In this way, self-knowledge, continuous improvement and development habits are developed.
development from own competencesThe courses are specific to the profession of pharmacist / nutritionist that the student acquires through certain subjects that allow the development of contextualized knowledge, skills and attitudes.
The contextualization of professional situations in the classroom is a way to achieve a more effective significant learning and thus achieve a better preparation of the student in their future functions.
From the Internship Service and employment we offer career guidancepreparing students for the leap into the working world by means of training in employability.
The University of Navarra's employability training will help students to get the best out of themselves so that their search for internships and employment is successful, and so that they know how to deal with a selection process. Essentials integrates training in the main recruitment techniques techniques used by today's companies and the development the skills most sought-after skills. They learn, for example, to prepare a CV and a LinkedIn profile and to work on their strengths and areas for improvement. The program is carried out by completing 3 modules (Self-awareness, Branding staff and selection process) throughout the degree program.
University of Navarra
María Javier Ramírez
Dean of the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition
Mari Paz Peña
Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology
José López Guzmán
Full Professor from School of Pharmacy and Nutrition
Idoia Beltrán
development team from School of Pharmacy and Nutrition
Maria Zarranz
development team from School of Pharmacy and Nutrition
Alfonso Vericat
Director from Careers Office
Pedro Gonzalez
Associate Dean of Students
Marta Gomez
Studies Coordinator
Idoia Beltrán
The team of development