Ruta de navegación


University experience

The School Pharmacy and Nutrition offers a comprehensive trainingproject in a unique environment that provides students with the tools and opportunities necessary for their personal and professional development .



Aplicaciones anidadas


Paola Vázquez-Dodero Romero
"Before choosing which Degree to study, I knew I wanted to go to the University of Navarra. In December I went to test for admission to start Pharmacy. I had a very reassuring interview in which I was able to clear up any doubts I had. These courses have gone by very quickly and I have realised how lucky we are to have a advisor to guide us".

Paola Vázquez-Dodero Romero
Degree of Pharmacy
Third year.


Natalia Vázquez

"I had always had a special interest in nutrition. When I saw that I could do it at the University of Navarra, I didn't hesitate to choose it. These years have been a time of great changes, but without a doubt it has enhanced me as a person. At final, I think I made the right decision in choosing the University of Navarra and the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics".

Natalia Vázquez Bolea
Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Second year



Aplicaciones anidadas


Biomedical Campus

Four Schools, three research centres and a health centre (Clínica Universidad de Navarra) make up the University of Navarra's Biomedical Campus , which brings together more than 2,000 professionals and 4,000 students to offer interdisciplinary training that is unique in Spain.


Internship Service and employment

The School offers to all its students an internship service and employment that, from the first courses, financial aid in their development staff and professional through training sessions, personalized advice, internships and contact with companies.

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Since its beginnings, School has been committed to innovation focused on the benefit of student. In recent years it has been the first School in Spain to launch a practical pharmacy classroom and to carry out the Evaluation by Competences (ECOE) for its final year students.


Humanistic training

The University offers students, through the Core Curriculum, a humanistic education at all Degrees to foster a spirit of solidarity and to develop the critical capacity to freely form one's own convictions.

Core Curriculum



The School encourages student to live an international experience that favours their integration in an increasingly global world. The School offers more than 80 agreements with universities, research centres, companies and international institutions.

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Cultural Activities Office

The University offers its students the possibility to participate in a wide range of activities at Cultural Activities Office.

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