Board of Directors
Dra. Dª. María Javier Ramírez Gil
+34 948 425600
Ext: 806261
View CV "View CV of Dr. María Javier Ramírez Gil".Dr. D. Pedro González Muniesa
Associate Dean of Students
Office of the Dean Pharmacy and Nutrition Office 2F06 (mezzanine)
+34 948 425600
Ext: 806650
See CV "View CV of Dr. D. Pedro González Muniesa".Dra. Dª María Ángeles Zulet
Vice-Dean for Academic Planning
+34 948 425600
Ext: 806317
View CV "View CV of Dr. María Ángeles Zulet".Dra. Dª Carmen Sanmartín Grijalba
Vice-Dean of faculty and research
+34 948 425600
Ext: 806388
See CV "View CV of Dr. Carmen Sanmartín Grijalba".Dr. D. Juan Manuel Irache Garreta
Associate Dean from postgraduate program
+34 948 425600
Ext: 806478
See CV "View CV of Dr. Juan Manuel Irache Garreta".