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09 | 12 | 2020

A new species of springtail discovered in the Altamira Caves

ImagenManuel Castells


01 | 12 | 2020

Invasive alien species, present at campus of the University of Navarra

TextoEnrique Cobos


26 | 11 | 2020

Silvia Milagros (BIO'15 MIB'17), winner of the National End-of-Semester Awards degree program

TextoEnrique Cobos



26 | 11 | 2020

New experimental immunotherapy strategy improves treatment of the most common form of lung cancer

TextoMiriam Salcedo

ImagenManuel Castells


25 | 11 | 2020

The Science Museum of the University of Navarra is holding "La noche de los investigadores", a webinar with the participation of two Spanish scientists from Mount Sinai in New York.

TextoEnrique Cobos


23 | 11 | 2020

Self-awareness, emotional balance and integrity, among the 12 competences core topic for the student development

TextoIsabel Rincón

ImagenManuel Castells


19 | 11 | 2020

The University, 45th in the world in employability according to the Emerging ranking for Times Higher Education

ImagenManuel Castells


19 | 11 | 2020

"Vaccination is an act of solidarity: as long as there is a population that is not protected, there will be a niche where the virus can infect".

TextoMaria Salanova

ImagenManuel Castells


16 | 11 | 2020

Forensic biology at crime scenes: study determines interaction of mites with insects that carry them to corpses

TextoEnrique Cobos



13 | 11 | 2020

University students create a club to "live the campus in a sustainable way".

TextoMara Vazquez

ImagenManuel Castells


13 | 11 | 2020

The University and Laboral Kutxa sign a agreement of sponsorship for the LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival

TextoEnrique Cobos

ImagenManuel Castells


12 | 11 | 2020

More than 1,000 students from 20 countries will "visit" the campus this Saturday.



Enrique Cobos
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona - Spain
+34 948 425600 (806579)