employment opportunities of Chemistry
1. Research:
In new Materials, energy sources, health and medicines, food, biotechnology and sustainable processes.
2. Industry:
design of new products; quality control; beverage and food production; pharmacological testing; waste management and contaminant detection, etc.
3. Services:
Hospital biochemical analysis (QlR); customs technician; legal expert; industrial and environmental auditing; consultancy; occupational risk prevention and industrial hygiene.
4. teaching:
Profesor de Enseñanza Secundaria (ESO, Bachillerato, FP) y universidad, Educación sanitaria y ambiental.
Cristina Ibiricu Ochoa
manager of Internships and employment
cristinaibiricuo@unav.esC/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00 x 802239