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01 | 10 | 2014

An ICS seminar analyzes the importance of the Bhagavad Gītā text in Indian religious literature.


ImagenManuel Castells

26 | 09 | 2014

Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (September 2014)


24 | 09 | 2014

Kathrin Woitha, from the ICS ATLANTES Program, defends her thesis in the Netherlands.


23 | 09 | 2014

A PhD student Kenyan ICS collaborates in a project on Education financial in Mozambique.

TextoCarlota Cortés


22 | 09 | 2014

Javier Serrano makes a research stay at London School of Economics

TextoMillán Cámara

19 | 09 | 2014

ICS: 72 people of 19 nationalities

TextoIsabel Solana

ImagenManuel Castells

11 | 09 | 2014

In cyberspace, it is not possible to completely detach oneself from the identity one has in the physical world.

TextoCarlota Cortés

ImagenCarlota Cortés

10 | 09 | 2014

Luis Echarte, partner of group 'Mente-cerebro', co-author of poster selected by the International Neuroethics Society

TextoIsabel Solana

ImagenManuel Castells

09 | 09 | 2014

An ICS project brings the MODERNA Plan strategy to Kenya and South Africa

TextoCarlota Cortés


08 | 09 | 2014

British Daniel Moulin and Italian Alex Armand, new ICS researchers

TextoCarlota Cortés

ImagenCarlota Cortés and Manuel Castells



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+34 948 425615
