11 | 04 | 2014
"Scientific activity requires the adoption of certain attitudes that are morally relevant."
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenManuel Castells
09 | 04 | 2014
A book analyzes business communications practices from the point of view of the speech
09 | 04 | 2014
9 speakers reflected on the improvement of communal life and society at the II Ethics and Society Forum
ImagenCarlota Cortés
09 | 04 | 2014
"If palliative care becomes routine, the spiritual and familial approach can be lost."
TextoCarlota Cortés
ImagenCarlota Cortés
02 | 04 | 2014
The researcher of the ICS Daniel Doyle, award Extraordinary of doctorate of Philosophy and Letters
ImagenCarlota Cortés
31 | 03 | 2014
Nearly 30 Spanish medical professionals are trained in Madrid for the teaching in palliative care.
28 | 03 | 2014
Study on the effectiveness of incentives for school principals in rural China launched
TextoCarlota Cortés
ImagenCarlota Cortés
28 | 03 | 2014
Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (March 2014)
26 | 03 | 2014
Terms used in public speeches can be a barrier to the integration of migrants
TextoCarlota Cortés
ImagenCarlota Cortés
25 | 03 | 2014
End-of-life decisions, one of the most difficult issues in palliative care
TextoCarlota Cortés
ImagenCarlota Cortés