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Luis Echarte, partner of group 'Mente-cerebro', co-author of poster selected by the International Neuroethics Society

The work will be presented orally at the INS annual meeting in Washington, DC.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
10/09/14 09:08 Isabel Solana

Luis Echarte, partner of group Mind-Brain and professor at the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra, is co-author of a poster selected among the five best of the year by the International Neuroethics Society (INS). It should be recalled that the group 'Mind-brain' receives funding from the Obra Social "La Caixa"..

work Dr. Echarte signature jointly with Denis Larrivee, from the Educational Outreach Office of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston (USA), and Adriana Gini, from department of Neuroradiology of the Camillo Forlanini Medical Center (Italy).

The poster, graduate 'staff Identity and Neurotechnology: Ethical Reflections on Modulating Habit Formation', will be presented orally at the annual INS meeting in Washington (USA), to be held on November 13-14, 2014. 

Ethical challenges of contemporary neurotechnology

It addresses the ethical challenges posed by contemporary neurotechnology and the role of habit circuits in identity staff.

The authors state that "there are limits to the manipulation of the human body" and, in this sense, they propose that habits (rational and emotional) help to safeguard the identity staff in circumstances in which the brain will be technologically modified, either for therapeutic or enhancement purposes.

 "The existence of habits preserves the experiences of narrative coherence in cases in which biotechnology partially or totally modifies the patient's personality," they clarify. 



