25 | 06 | 2015
"Every society must consider the limits of tolerance".
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenCarlota Cortés
23 | 06 | 2015
A study identifies differences in access to training in palliative care in Europe.
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenCarlota Cortés
23 | 06 | 2015
"The main obstacle to loving relationships is respect".
TextoCarlota Cortés
ImagenCarlota Cortés.
19 | 06 | 2015
The bequest of the Enlightenment in the history of religious tolerance and current debates, topic of an international ICS congress
TextoIsabel Solana
19 | 06 | 2015
A PhD student ICS researcher at the University of Bonn investigates the nature of knowledge morality in Plato.
TextoCarlota Cortés
ImagenCarlota Cortés
19 | 06 | 2015
An ICS researcher translates Hans Reiner's "Foundations, Principles and Particular Rules of Natural Law" into Spanish .
TextoCarlota Cortés
12 | 06 | 2015
"Palliative care is not unique to the end of life".
TextoPatricia Sáinz de Robredo
09 | 06 | 2015
Two projects of research of group 'Mente-cerebro' of ICS receive support from Fundación Bancaria Caja Navarra
TextoIsabel Solana
04 | 06 | 2015
"In numerous countries at development, conditional transfers to households have result been positive in improving healthcare."
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenCarlota Cortés
04 | 06 | 2015
Financially rewarding academic achievement, an incentive to learn
ImagenCarlota Cortés