News from the School
21 | 06 | 2013
The journal 'Ius Canonicum' publishes on its new issue three programs of study on marriage.
TextoIsabel Solana
11 | 06 | 2013
16 researchers have defended their doctoral thesis at the Schools Eclesiasticas since June 2012.
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenManuel Castells
10 | 06 | 2013
The President encourages "knowing more to serve better".
TextoMaria Salanova
ImagenManuel Castells
06 | 06 | 2013
"The Canon Law has as challenge to express the identity of the Church with language and forms appropriate to the culture of the time"
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenManuel Castells
04 | 06 | 2013
Nearly 50 professionals from 25 dioceses at a workshop on team management in Church entities.
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenManuel Castells
31 | 05 | 2013
Schools Ecclesiastical: with its own name (May 2013)
31 | 05 | 2013
10 students graduate from the LI Promotion of the licentiate degree in Canon Law
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenManuel Castells
27 | 05 | 2013
The CARF allocates 445,000 euros to scholarships for students of the Schools Ecclesiastical
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenManuel Castells
10 | 05 | 2013
Published the conference proceedings of the IX International Symposium of high school Martín de Azpilcueta "Legal Regime of Places of Worship".
06 | 05 | 2013
12 graduates from 7 countries to be ordained priests in Rome
Mª Jesús Cantalapiedra
manager from speech of the Schools
mcantal@unav.esCampus University
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 802629