
News from the School

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29 | 05 | 2021

The 5G core topic for the support of the Church and people's lives

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells


22 | 05 | 2021

"When God has something for you, it fills you with happiness and commitment to move it forward."

TextoChus Cantalapiedra


22 | 05 | 2021

"The support we receive from benefactors is part of God's surprises and the joys we experience are also His".

TextoChus Cantalapiedra


22 | 05 | 2021

"These ten years as a priest have been the most wonderful of my life".

TextoChus Cantalapiedra


22 | 05 | 2021

Nicolás Álvarez de las Asturias: "The permanent training in the priesthood allows us to revive the charism received".

TextoMaria Acebal

ImagenMaria Acebal


13 | 05 | 2021

"God called me to his Church by using my interest in the history of religion."

TextoMaria Acebal

ImagenMaria Acebal


27 | 11 | 2020

Solidarity decorations for the Ecclesiastical Schools building this Christmas

TextoLuis Alvarez


22 | 06 | 2020

In the recent SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) 2019, the journal Ius Canonicum moves to Q1 in "Religious Studies" and "Law".



05 | 06 | 2020

"After this darkness the light will shine brighter".

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenChus Cantalapiedra


01 | 06 | 2020

Seven students from the University of Navarra receive ordination as deacons

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells



Mª Jesús Cantalapiedra

manager from speech of the Schools

Campus University

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 802629
