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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Julia Pavón, dean of the School


Dear all:

Artificial Intelligence has come to stay among us. It is worth noting that the information enabled, codified and structured to become an instrument of a supposed progress, development and social and economic growth, as well as other cultural achievements, has taken a more than viral prominence.

It seems, likewise, that processes and results have become rites and canons, respectively, encouraged by an overwhelming immediacy. But as the Czech writer Milan Kundera rightly states: "When things happen so fast, no one can be sure of anything; of anything at all, not even of himself".

Although these results of the annual report sound like a new marketing message adorned with more data and figures, let us think that they respond, in the School of Philosophy and Letters, to values that transcend them. They are not only useful, but our way of sharing with today's world a vision internship of a project anchored in true and genuine intelligence, Human Intelligence.


Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences