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Calendar and timetables

Calendar - School for Pharmacy and Nutrition

enquiry the academic calendar for this academic year...


The academic year 2024-2025 starts on September 2, 2024 and ends on August 30, 2025. 

→ The school term for the teaching of Degree extends from September 2, 2024 to June 27, 2025. 

  • First semester: From September 2 to November 28, inclusive. 

  • Exams 1st semester: From December 2 to 19, both inclusive. 

  • Second semester: From January 8 to April 11, inclusive. 

  • Examinations 2nd semester: From April 28 to May 17, both inclusive. 

  • re-sit examination period Examination period: from June 6 to June 27, 2025, both inclusive.

With the prior authorisation of Office of the Executive Council, some degrees, due to their peculiarities, may change these dates.

→ The school term for the teachings of Master's Degree extends from September 2, 2024 to August 30, 2025. 

Within the school term, these are holidays for pupils in mainstream education: 

  • Christmas: from December 20 to January 7, inclusive. 

  • Holy Week and Easter: Monday, April 14 to Saturday, April 26, inclusive.

The non-teaching period, coinciding with the summer vacation of students in regular classes, runs from June 28 to August 30, 2025, inclusive.

Other university activities shall be carried out without being subject to the regular academic term: postgraduate program courses, curricular and non-curricular internships, research, short courses, special courses, advanced training programmes, summer courses, etc.

The following are public holidays during the regular school term:

  • October 12 - Nª Sra. del Pilar (Saturday).

  • November 1st - All Saints Day (Friday).

  • November 29 - San Saturnino (Friday).

  • December 3 - St. Francis Xavier (Tuesday).

  • December 6 - Constitution Day (Friday).

  • December 8 - Immaculate Conception (Sunday).

  • January 28 - St. Thomas Aquinas (Tuesday).

  • March 19 - San José (Wednesday).

  • May 1 - Feast of the work (Thursday).

  • June 26 - St. Josemaría Escrivá (Thursday).


Opening hours

You will then be able to see your schedule for both classes and internships. In addition, you can transport the calendar to your google account by clicking on the Calendar button (in the footer of each calendar) and you will have the updated information available in your calendar.
