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Azar y niveles de observación en la evolución

Chance and levels of observation in evolution

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3 vídeos de 8 minutos

(3 videos of 8 minutes)

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Nota: la presentación aporta contenidos suplementarios al contenido de las lecciones grabadas

grade: presentation provides supplementary content to the content of the recorded lessons.

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Chance and levels of observation in evolution

Online lesson from group Science, Reason and Faith.
Part one: Levels of observation in science.
Part two: A case example: engines and cars.
Part three: Application to the study of evolution.

Antonio Pardo. Pamplona, 2012-13 academic year.

Antonio Pardo is Associate Professor of department of Humanities Biomedical Sciences at the University of Navarra. He teaches subject science and method, and researches questions on biological evolution.

summaryThe theory of evolution currently posits the origin of new forms of life as result of chance and natural selection. In science, each phenomenon requires an appropriate method of study, and there may be different levels of observation involving different methods of study. In evolution, admitting chance at one level of explanation does not imply that other levels behave randomly, leaving aside the ambiguity of the word chance when this translation is made. Explaining evolution is more complex than the simplified neo-Darwinian version.