
Texts, articles and reviews with label: 'emergentism'.

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txt_incorporaciones recientes_materia emergentismo

A synthesis of the philosophy of physics by Mariano Artigas

summaryThe main theses of Mariano Artigas' philosophy of physics (form, creation, self-organisation, indeterminism and its connection with providence) are presented, showing scientists that the dialogue between St. Thomas, current physics and faith is perfectly possible.
Author: Gabriel Zanotti

Tit_Otros documentos


otros documentos materia emergentismo

The intelligent organism: misunderstandings about a paradox

summaryReflections on materialism and its inconsistency based on the thesis of some neuroscientists who pretend to include thought in their scientific field.
Author: José Ignacio Murillo

The end of an endless search. Karl Popper discusses death

summaryThe evolutionary explanations, conjectures and refutations, the open society, the self and its brain, science and spirit, are there ultimate answers, bibliography of Popper and about Popper.
Author: Mariano Artigas

On the origin of human intelligence

summaryThe brain as an organ of understanding, Can we know scientifically how human intelligence arose, Darwin or Wallace?
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada