
Texts, articles and reviews with the label: 'information'.

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PresentationNeuromorphic Computing and Nanotechnologies

summaryNeuroscience knowledge can be combined with new nanotechnology techniques to build systems that capture and compute by mimicking the brain; this "neuromorphic computing" is a promising area of Artificial Intelligence advances.
Author: Bernabé Linares-Barranco

The age of post-truth, post-veracity and charlatanism

summaryThe current predominance of the dissemination of information through social networks causes biases in data and the consequent discrediting of public discourse and the promotion of superficial speech , charlatanism.
Author: Martín Montoya.

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txt antiguos materia informacion

Lesson 2015: Can we talk about God in the context of contemporary science?

summary: Science, by its method, cannot directly study God as an object. However, the activity of the scientist has some fields which, although they are not scientific, are open to God: references to the absolute, the contingency of the physical, the intelligibility of the world and its dialogical otherness.
Author: Prof. Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti

Origin of the Universe: New Perspectives

summary: Explanation of the evolution of model of the Universe we have had from the end of the 19th century to the present day, and discussion of the causes of the crises that made the successive modifications necessary.
Author: Javier Burguete

Entropy and cosmology: Is our universe special? 

summary sample : The crucial role of the gravitational force and black holes in the growth of the entropy of the universe is discussed. Some estimates of this magnitude are given and the fundamental problem in the scientific understanding of the universe, which is not usually addressed by current theories, is highlighted. Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares

Intelligence and intentionality 

summary: This article explores the difficulties of approaching the problem of intelligence independently of any intentional consideration. To do so, I first examine three classical interpretations of the concept of the mental in order to show their main shortcomings. goal . Secondly, I argue how an adequate phenomenological analysis of perception is an optimal means of understanding the intentional property. Thirdly and finally, I present some interpretative clues about the existence of information in Nature. All this serves to offer, at summary, a better proposal of basic criteria for the recognition of intelligent beings.
Author: Luis E. Echarte

The mind of the universe

summary: Study of the connection between God's intelligent plan for the world and its unravelling by means of the scientific business .
Author: Mariano Artigas

New advances in molecular biology: smart genes

summary: Reflection, at purpose of the intelligent genes in charge of development, of the need for a programmer of their behaviour.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Proteins you think. About award Nobel Prize for Medicine 1994

summaryOn 11 October 1994, the press reported the award of the award Nobel Prize in Medicine to Professors Alfred G. Gilman and Martin Rodbell for "the finding of G-proteins and their role in signal transmission in cells". This is a new breakthrough in molecular biology, which sample provides new insights into how life works and new instructions for reflection on nature.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Scientific creativity and human singularity

summaryInformation sciences have contributed to clarify the meaning of models in scientific research, and this, in its turn, has made it easier to understand in which sense we can speak about scientific truth. Using stipulations we reach a contextual and partial, but also authentical scientific truth. And our creativity allows us to handle theoretical constructs and experimental devices in such a way that we can grasp how nature really is. As the alleged disconnections and even oppositions between science and theology depend in a great extent from the way of understanding scientific truth, the epistemological analysis of the relationships between creativity and truth may help us to advance towards a unifying perspective of knowledge in which, although the differences among science and theology are carefully respected, it is also possible to understand their mutual harmony and complementarity.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Assumptions and implications of scientific progress

summaryThe methods and results of experimental science play a very important role in shaping contemporary culture. They are sometimes used to support naturalistic doctrines that dispense with divine action because they consider it impossible or useless in the light of scientific progress. In the reflections that follow I suggest that the analysis goal of that progress rather leads to the opposite conclusion. More specifically, I argue that the analysis of the assumptions and implications of scientific progress leads to a perspective that is fully consistent with the affirmation of a creative God staff , with the recognition of the spiritual dimensions of the human person, and with the existence of ethical values related to the objective search for truth and service to humanity.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Mind transfer and secularism Presentation

summary: Life extension methods promoted by the transhumanist movement, especially mind transfer; the secularist matrix of this method is sample . Its attempt to bring immortality under human control takes the process of secularisation to a level never seen before.
Author: Leandro Gaitán