
Texts, articles and reviews with the label: 'multidisciplinarity'

Open Reason. A personal proposal

summary: The author's intellectual trajectory, theological and scientific knowledge (the latter in relation to quantum mechanics), the need for multidisciplinarity and the concept of open reason: openness to truth, both scientific and theological, are examined.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares.

God in the brain? Religious experience from neuroscience

summary: Neuroscience can consider studying religious experience; this approach can also be of great interest to Theology. Both lines open up an interdisciplinary field of study that allows us to reflect on Theology in relation to the sciences and as a requirement of thought.
Author: José Manuel Giménez-Amaya

On two anniversaries: Galileo and Darwin  

Author: Héctor Velázquez

What is the relationship between faith and science today? 

Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya

Are the sciences really autonomous?

summary: exhibition of the reasons why scientists reject interdisciplinary approaches involving Philosophy and theology.
Author: José Ignacio Murillo

Science, reason and faith: A challenge of our time 

Author: José Manuel GIménez Amaya

Science and religion ("Mind and brain")

summary: article historical on the views of the last century and a half on science and religion: it examines the Anglo-Saxon views of the 19th century confronting science and religion, and the later developments that see the non-incompatibility or complementarity of both approaches.
Author: Luis Alonso

Science and transcendence

summary: It is possible to achieve an integration of the scientific and the metaphysical perspective. They are different approaches. However, it is possible to integrate them, as long as their diversity is respected and the perspective required by each problem subject is adopted. This article examines the methodological gap, border issues, partial overlaps and how integration should be effected.
Author: Mariano Artigas

speech by Professor Héctor Mancini. Delivered at the ceremony in memoriam of Professor Mariano Artigas. 

Author: Don Héctor Mancini

The challenge of interdisciplinarity: difficulties and achievements

summary: What interdisciplinarity is not, the motivations of interdisciplinarity, the conditions of interdisciplinarity, knowledge as synthesis, the methodology of interdisciplinarity and other achievements of interdisciplinary work.
Author: Evandro Agazzi

Science-faith dialogue to build a culture of respect for human beings, human dignity and freedom

summary: Reflection on the work of synthesis of the sciences to obtain a global vision of the world, and the synthesis with Philosophy and religion to build a culture of respect for man.
Author: speech of the Holy Father Benedict XVI

Understanding freedom better: an interdisciplinary approach between Neuroscience and Philosophy

summary: It presents some philosophical assumptions that are influencing the neuroscientific study of freedom, as well as certain problems that arise from Neuroscience itself in its global understanding of brain functioning, the neural networks themselves and the neurobiological integration of attention, important phenomena for a proper neurobiological understanding of freedom. He criticises a purely reductionist view of free will. He comments on the modern concept of freedom and the need for interdisciplinarity to address these issues. sample a subtle persistence of dualism in some of the approaches that study freedom and recovers the concept of life in the understanding of human activity.
Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya

Hawking and God: physics gives what it gives

summary: article commenting on the summary of Hawking's ideas published in The Times at purpose of the book "The Big design". The idea of multi-universes is free and does not pose problems to faith or to the existence of God.
Author: Santiago Collado González

The articulation of science and philosophy 

summary: Commentary on Crick's physicalist naturalism, and approach to the three types of presuppositions of science: anthropological, epistemological and ontological.
Author: Mariano Artigas

The collaboration between philosophy and neuroscience. An interdisciplinary proposal to understand the unity of the human person. 

Author: José Ángel Lombo and José Manuel Giménez Amaya

Faith in the university 

summary: The three essays gathered here correspond to the interventions of their authors at a workshop, organised by the high school of Anthropology and Ethics and the group of research "Science, Reason and Faith" (CRYF), at the University of Navarra on 19 February 2013*. This activity was part of the Year of Faith, announced by the Catholic Church in October 2012 and which will be closed in November 2013.
Author: Luis Romera, Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá and Ignacio López Goñi

The fragmentation and "compartmentalisation" of knowledge according to Alasdair MacIntyre

summary: summary of MacIntyre's position on the fragmentation of current knowledge in the university teaching , coincidence with the ideas of Professor Lluís Clavell and a note of solutions for a sapiential and interdisciplinary training in the University.
Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya

"Genetics is not incompatible with human freedom".

summary: Interview with José Ignacio Murillo in Ambos mundos on freedom, genetic determinism, environmental influence and neuroethics.
Author: Daniel Capó

Metadisciplinarity. Science, philosophy and theology

summary: Un riferimento iniziale a "Fides et ratio", la consapevolezza della frammentazione del sapere, la soluzione dell'interdisciplinarità, dall'interdisciplinarità alle questioni metadisciplinari, la sapienza metafisica ed antropologica, il contributo della teologia all'unità del sapere.
Author: Prof. Lluís Clavell

Reading the book of nature

summary: I propose to analyse the place of God in our relationship with nature. My reflections are articulated in three parts: in the first I will analyse some aspects of the problem today, in the second I will present some personal proposals that refer to the bridge that connects the sciences and natural theology, and in the third I will allude to some particular characteristics of this bridge.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Mind and brain in contemporary neuroscience.
An approach to their interdisciplinary study

summary: The impressive development of neuroscience in recent decades has highlighted its need to turn to multidisciplinarity to address the challenges it faces. Among these challenges are those that relate to questions that are decisive for the understanding of man. This article argues that in order to address them effectively, cooperation between the sciences needs to be extended beyond the realm of experimental disciplines. As an illustration of this thesis , after an introduction on the importance of Neuroscience in our times, one of the most relevant aspects for the understanding of the role played by the brain in human life and behaviour is addressed: the problem of consciousness. The exhibition is structured by pointing out the framework in which this problem is posed, and then summarising how Neuroscience and Philosophy have dealt with it. Finally, some suggestions are presented for the fruitful development of an interdisciplinary study that allows each of the sciences involved to make its own contribution.
Author: José M. Giménez-Amaya and José I. Murillo

My vision of the multidisciplinarity

summary dissertation in the of the of Peirceanos of the University of Navarra. Pamplona, May 17, 2001. Author: Mariano Artigas seminar group programs of study

Thinking about evolution and astronomy 

Author: Héctor Velázquez Fernández

profile biographical and personal biography of Mr. Mariano Artigas 

Author: José Angel García Cuadrado

Science and Philosophy: A Love-Hate Relationship 

summary: In this paper I review the problematic relationship between science and philosophy; in particular, I will address the question of whether science needs philosophy, and I will offer some positive (if incomplete) perspectives that should be helpful in developing a synergetic relationship between the two. I will review three lines of reasoning often employed in arguing that philosophy is useless for science: a) philosophy's death diagnosis ('philosophy is dead') and what follows from it; b) the historic-agnostic argument/challenge "show me examples where philosophy has been useful for science, for I don't know of any"; c) the division of property argument (or: philosophy and science have different subject matters, therefore philosophy is useless for science). These arguments will be countered with three contentions to the effect that the natural sciences need philosophy. I will: a) point to the fallacy of anti-philosophicalism (or: 'in order to deny the need for philosophy, one must do philosophy') and examine the role of paradigms and presuppositions (or: why science can't live without philosophy); b) point out why the historical argument fails (in an example from quantum mechanics, alive and kicking); c) briefly sketch some domains of intersection of science and philosophy and how the two can have mutual synergy. I will conclude with some implications of this synergetic relationship between science and philosophy for the liberal arts and sciences.
Author: Sebastian de Haro

seminar Neuroscience and freedom

summary review from of the CRYF of December 18, 2007, which summarizes the main of Professor José Manuel Giménez Amaya. Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya seminar discussion paper

Theology and Science in a Christian Vision of the University 

Author: José Luis Illanes