
Texts, articles and reviews with the label: 'quantum mechanics'.

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Open Reason. A personal proposal

summaryThe author's intellectual trajectory, theological and scientific knowledge (the latter in relation to quantum mechanics), the need for multidisciplinarity and the concept of open reason: openness to truth, both scientific and theological, are examined.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares.

PresentationProposals on the language of Science and its relationship with Nature

summaryThe scientific method uncovers aspects of reality that are not obvious and that fill us with wonder. These hidden underlying laws seem to refer to a Logos common to all reality. Its finding is a spiritual experience comparable to certain religious experiences.
Author: Gustavo Aucar.

Is quantum mechanics relevant to the scientific understanding of the mind-brain problem?

summaryBrief summary of the quantum models that attempt to explain consciousness, the purely physical determinants of this explanation, and a conclusive vision of quantum mechanics within the mind-brain problem.
Author: Javier Sánchez-Cañizares