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Tit_Neurobiología de la acción, la decisión y el hábito

Neurobiology of action, decision and habitus

seminar of group Science, Reason and Faith.
Javier Bernácer, researcher of group "Mind-Brain" of Institute for Culture and Society (ICS).
September 17, 2013.

Aplicaciones anidadas

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The presentation of this seminar exposes, in a way understandable to experts from other disciplines, the neurobiological instructions of human action in a broad sense. First, the simplest mode of human action, voluntary movement, is discussed. Then, levels of complexity are added and the determining role of the basal ganglia in action enrichment and action selection is explained. This phenomenon is completed with the

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network that form the cerebral cortex ventromedial, the nuclei of entrance of the basal ganglia and the substantia nigra, and their involvement in decision-making and reinforcement learning. Finally, we outline the proposal that neuroscience has tried to give to the study of habitus, the problems involved, and the novel approach we propose in our group of research. 

The following articles can be consulted as complementary material: