Aplicaciones anidadas

Admision superiores: texto

Admission to Higher Courses

Medical students from other universities who meet the following criteria can register at apply for Admissions Office for advanced courses (other than 1st year) at School of Medicine at the University of Navarra requirements:

  • grade of 1st year of high school diploma (or equivalent) equal to or higher than 7 out of 10.

  • grade in the test of Access to the Spanish University (university entrance exam or EvAU/EBAU) or through the UNED credential with the specific tests, in both cases in force, equal or higher than 12.6 out of 14.

  • All subjects passed by academic year in the Degree in Medicine up to the date of the application of Admissions Office.

Once the application is submitted and within the established deadlines, the School will study each application in a personalized way and will grant or not the Admissions Office depending on the availability of places, the concordance of the study plans and the academic transcript obtained in the home university.

Admision superiores: desplegable

Candidates must complete their application for admission through Portal miUNAV and provide the following documentation:

- grade of 1st year of high school diploma (or equivalent) equal to or higher than 7 out of 10.

- Qualification in the test of Access to the Spanish University (university entrance exam or EvAU/EBAU) or through the UNED credential with the specific tests, in both cases in force, equal or higher than 12.6 out of 14.

- certificate of the university studies taken so far, including the grades of the first semester of the current academic year. Once the application has been processed, the grades of the second semester will also be requested.

enquiry the calendar at Admissions Office.

Once the candidate has a positive resolution and sends the certified grades along with the programs of the subjects, the School of Medicine will study whether there is the possibility of recognizing some credits taken and approved in other universities.

It is important to know that due to the new Study program implemented in the School the most common will be to start from 1st grade even if access is requested through this route.

Candidates who are studying medicine at another university must opt for one of the following entry routes:

  • Admission to higher education courses described in this section.

  • Admission to the first year of Degree in Medicine or Degree in Medicine + International Program(see profiles). Through this route there is no recognition of credits from any course or degree previously taken.


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Enlaces - SI, vías de acceso a medunav, fechas de admisión y alojamiento