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Por qué: rankings

In a globalised world, university rankings are an important source of information about institutions and allow them to be compared with each other. tool . Recurrently, both the University of Navarra as a whole and the University of Navarra in particular appear in prominent positions, both nationally and internationally. School of Medicine in particular appear in prominent positions, both nationally and internationally.

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The University of Navarra and #MedUNAV in Rankings

For the sixth consecutive year, the University of Navarra is ranked first in Spain by employers and 104th in the world. In addition, the university also stands out in other indicators such as international outreachthe quality of the teaching (student-faculty ratio), as well as in the percentage of international professors. According to the QS World University Ranking 2022, of the more than 26,000 universities in the world, the University of Navarra is ranked issue 266. It is also sixth in Spain and first among private universities.

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For the fourth year, the University of Navarra is the top university in Spain in terms of employability, according to the 2020 edition of the QS Graduate Employability Ranking. According to this ranking, globally, the university is in 71st place among the more than 750 universities analysed from 73 different countries.

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The University of Navarra is the fourth best university in Spain, according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021. It also ranks in the top 250-300 of the world's best universities. The ranking especially highlights the strength of the University of Navarra in the indicators of citations among academics, its international outlook and industry-related research income.

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The University of Navarra is ranked 45th in the world and second in Spain in employability criteria, according to the Global University Employability Ranking, published by Times Higher Education and prepared by the consulting firm Emerging. The ranking reflects the opinion of more than 9,000 managers of companies that recruit internationally. The ranking, which evaluates 250 universities, considers the University of Navarra to be second in Spain in terms of employability.

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The Times Higher Education Impact Ranking has ranked the University of Navarra among the top 50 in the world for its contribution to decent work and economic growth, as well as caring for life on earth. This ranking is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) development .

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The University of Navarra is the first university in Spain, according to the 2021 ranking of the Spanish edition of Forbes magazine. The publication places the academic center in the first position for its teaching results, student body experience, preparation for working life, faculty quality and research. 

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The University of Navarra is the School with the best performance for studying Medicine in Spain. This is according to the analysis carried out by CyD, which takes into account six dimensions: teaching and learning, research, transfer of knowledge, international orientation, contribution to the regional development and labour market insertion.

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It is also the first private university and the third best in Spain in overall results according to the S&T ranking of the Foundation knowledge and development published in 2021. It also stands out as the first in Spain in 'International Orientation' for this study, which analyses 37 indicators of academic performance.

The University of Navarra ranks first in the areas of Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy. The ranking evaluates these areas with 33 indicators of Teaching and Learning, Research, Transfer of knowledge, International Orientation and Contribution to the regional development . 

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The University of Navarra is the first in Spain in performance professor. This is reflected in the latest edition of the U-Rankingprepared by the high school Valencian Institute of Economic Research (IVIE) and the BBVA Foundation.  

The study, which also evaluates research and innovation indicators and development technology, ranks the academic institution fifth in Spain and at the head of private universities.

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The University of Navarra is the best private institution in Spain, according to the 2021 ranking published by the newspaper El Mundo. The university ranks several of its Degrees and postgraduate programs among the most outstanding in the country (among them, Medicine) and has more programs than any other private university in the country.

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The University of Navarra is the first Spanish university to receive the international 'Green Flag Award' award , which recognises the integral management of its green areas.

The award places the campus university of Pamplona as one of the best parks in the world for the level of excellence in its management, and joins the 1,883 parks in the United Kingdom with this distinction, which only 23 parks outside its borders have received.

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The GreenMetric World University Rankings place the University of Navarra among the 150 best universities in the world in terms of sustainability criteria. The study evaluates infrastructures, energy consumption, waste, water, transport and teaching and research initiatives.

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The researchers and experts who help create this renowned ranking are well aware of what is happening in hospitals around the world and can confidently identify our hospital as one of the top 65 hospitals worldwide that set the standard for excellent care. Clínica Universidad de Navarra as one of the top 65 hospitals worldwide that set the standard for excellent care.

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The Clínica Universidad de Navarra continues to lead the ranking of Spanish private hospitals with the best reputation for the seventh consecutive year, according to the Monitor de Reputación Sanitaria (MRS). In addition, the Clinic leads the ranking among private hospitals in 22 of the 26 medical specialties evaluated.

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For the sixth consecutive year, IESE, the Business School of the University of Navarra, has been named the world's best business school in training for executives, according to the Financial Times.

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