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All students wishing to study at School of Medicine at the University of Navarra should fill in an Application for Admission through Portal miUNAV. Depending on their interest, they can apply to the Degree in Medicine or to the Degree in Medicine + International Program.


We are looking for Spanish or foreign students, preferably with a high school diploma or equivalent, recently completed, with the ability to work, with enthusiasm and initiative, with capacity for compassion and solidarity.

They must be in possession of degree scroll of high school diploma (preferably biosanitary) or the equivalent (high school). They must also have passed the official university entrance exams (university entrance exam) when required by current Spanish legislation.

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Intake Routes

There are different access routes to #MedUNAV depending on the student's admission profile . Those candidates who meet at the same time the characteristics to access through different routes (for example, student Spanish or international who have studied IB) must choose and apply through a single access route through the portal miUNAV. Those who wish to take the Degree with the International Program must meet specific English level requirements. requirements specific English level requirements.

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apply for The following students can apply for admission through the test of School . national and international students who are enrolled at programs of study in the 2nd year of high school diploma (or equivalent), regardless of their nationality.

The application for admission to the Degree in Medicine or the Degree in Medicine + International Program can be taken by all students who accredit a final grade in 1st year (or equivalent) equal or higher than 7 points out of 10. high school diploma (or equivalent) equal to or higher than 7 points out of 10. The test will be carried out in face-to-face format (Campus in Pamplona), in Spanish or English, on the date indicated in the admission calendar.




This modality consists of taking the ISAT exam and an online test of the School in English. 

Eligibility is open to those who are enrolled at programs of study in the 2nd year (or equivalent) at an academic center based in an academic center located in the United States. high school diploma (or equivalent) in an academic center with headquarters outside Spainregardless of their nationality; for apply for admission to the Degree in Medicine or to the Degree in Medicine + International Program they must accredit a final grade in 1st year of high school diploma (or equivalent) equal or higher than 7 points out of 10. The test will take place on the date indicated in the admission calendar.


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Students taking the International Baccalaureate (IB) can apply to the School of Medicine at the University of Navarra through their predictive grades, as long as the minimum requirements established by #MedUNAV are credited.




apply for Admission to higher courses (other than 1st year) at School of Medicine at the University of Navarra is open to medical students from other universities who fulfil the relevant requirements requirements .



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test on-site

Admision nacional: desplegable

All student who wish to apply to the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra must fill in its application of Admissions Office through the Portal miUNAV before the date indicated in the calendar of Admissions Office.

Once this application has been made, the student will have to take an accessentrance examination . Its goal is to assess the candidates' readiness to successfully fill in the Degree in Medicine or the Degree in Medicine + International Program.

The access test will be held on the date indicated in the Admissions Officecalendar. The exam will consist of an academictest , subject test, consisting of 150 questions (plus six questions of reservation) of Biology, Chemistry and Physics; and a test of reading comprehension.

model exam in PDF.

- Biology(PDF syllabus): 50 questions (30%).

- Chemistry(PDF syllabus): 50 questions (30%).

- Physics(PDF syllabus): 50 questions (25%).

model reading comprehension PDF.

- Scientific article + 30 multiple-choice questions (15%).

The grade final admission is the result of:

  • 70%. grade final of the entrance exam* of the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra.

  • 30%. grade average of the official subjects of the 1st year of high school diploma (or equivalent), taking into account the subjects certified by the centre where the studies were carried out.

*Weighted parts of the entrance exam: biology 30%, chemistry 30%, physics 25% and reading comprehension 15%.

- In order to take the exam, students will need the credential number given to them days before the exam in the mail.

- The duration of the test will be approximately three hours. The exact time will be announced to the students in the Admissions Office exam invitation that they will receive by mail. This schedule will also be available at Portal miUNAV

- The content of test is designed for small calculations that can be done in the booklet, so the use of a calculator is not allowed.

- Each question has five possible answers.

- Wrong answers do not count as negative.

model de Examen en PDF.

- Biology Syllabus [PDF] [PDF

- Chemistry Syllabus [PDF] [PDF

- Physics Syllabus [PDF] [PDF

In addition:

- Websites of the Biology, Chemistry and Physics Olympiads.

- Book: Cómo preparar un examen subject test (M. BES-RASTROLLO; F.J. JIMENEZ-RUIZ), EUNSA 2009. ISBN 9788431326449.

- Students can have as reference letter for the three areas of knowledge the editions of high school program from: Anaya, Bruño, EDEBE, ECIR, SM, McGraw-Hill among others. 

Students applying for admission to #MedUNAV will be able to find out their decision at Portal miUNAV.

There are different types of resolution:

- Admitted. Admitted students may formalize their enrollment (*) through the Portal miUNAV in the deadline established and indicated at the time by the School of Medicine.

(*) During the deadline indicated by #MedUNAV, the candidate will have to fill in all the required documentation and pay 5,500 euros as a first payment of enrollment; this amount will be discounted from the final amount of enrollment and will only be returned in the case of not passing the university entrance exams, EvAU/EBAU.

- Admissions Office Conditional (IB students). Candidates whose candidacy has been admitted (*) from the International Baccalaureate (IB) must submit their final grades in July; they must prove that they meet the requirements established by the School of Medicine.

(*) On receiving conditional admission, the student must make a one-off payment of 5,500 euros, which will be deducted from the final amount of enrollment. This amount will only be refunded in the case of not obtaining the minimum final qualifications required by #MedUNAV.

- Waiting List. In the case of students who remain on the waiting list, their resolution will depend only on the result of the EvAU and if there are vacancies. For the calculation of the EvAU, the two best grades of the Biology, Chemistry or Physics exams will be taken into account (multiplying each value obtained by 0.2). In any case, the movement of the waiting list will take place when there are vacancies and will be communicated as soon as they occur.

- Admitted to another degree program. The student is not admitted to the requested degree program , but is considered to have sufficient aptitude to pursue one of the degrees offered by the University of Navarra.

- Denied. The candidate has not been admitted to the requested degree program and is not offered a second option.

- Absent. The student does not take the Admissions Office exam, so the application is automatically denied.

Unsuccessful candidates who wish to have a second consideration by the School of Medicine can make a written request from the Portal miUNAV (Tab "contact/financial aid"). 


ISAT exam + test online


All student who wish to apply to the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra must fill in its application of Admissions Office through the Portal miUNAV before the date indicated in the calendar of Admissions Office.

Once this application has been made, the student will have to take an accessentrance examination . Its goal is to assess the candidates' readiness to successfully fill in the Degree in Medicine or the Degree in Medicine + International Program.

International students may apply to the School of Medicine by taking the ISAT exam and a test of the School in English. In addition, the School may conduct an interview at candidate if deemed necessary.

In the case of ISAT:

  • The results of the January, July/August or October/November calls will be valid. 

  • The student will have to mark your exam and share your result with the University of Navarra.

  • Results will arrive two weeks after the closing date of the exam.

The test entrance exam of the School will be held on the date indicated in the admission calendar. The exam will consist of an academictest in English, subject test, consisting of 150 questions (plus six questions from reservation) of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

model exam in PDF.

- Biology(PDF syllabus): 50 questions (35%).

- Chemistry (PDF syllabus): 50 questions (35%).

- Physics(PDF syllabus): 50 questions (30%).

In addition, an online Spanish language test will be provided only in the case that the native language of candidate is not Spanish. 

Important! Only candidates who have shared their result of the ISAT exam will be invited to the test of the School of Medicine.

The grade final admission is the result of:

  • 30%. grade obtained in the ISAT exam.

  • 40%. grade obtained in the admission exam of the School of Medicine.

  • 30%. grade average of the official subjects of the 1st year of high school diploma (or equivalent), taking into account the subjects certified by the centre where the studies were carried out.

- To take the exam, students will need an internet connection, a computer (desktop or laptop) with a webcam, microphone and Google Chrome browser installed. Please note: some computers come with both a microphone and webcam as standard; as long as they are working, there is no need to purchase new ones.

- Days before the Admissions Office exam, and after completing the application of Admissions Office through Portal miUNAV, candidates will receive by email the practical and technical instructions necessary to perform the test.

- The test will begin at around 14.30 p.m. (Spanish peninsular time) and will last approximately three hours.

- The examination shall be conducted from a location where a stable Internet connection is ensured.

- During the three hours of the admission exam, the activity of the student website test will be monitored by a programme that detects the image, ambient sound, web traffic and any computer activity. The goal is to guarantee the rigour of the exam and that it is carried out with the maximum guarantees of fairness and justice for all students.

- The content of the test is designed to perform small calculations that can be done on the blackboard provided on the platform, so the use of a calculator is prohibited.

- Each question has five possible answers.

- Wrong answers do not count as negative.

model de Examen en PDF.

- Biology Syllabus [PDF] [PDF

- Chemistry Syllabus [PDF] [PDF

- Physics Syllabus [PDF] [PDF

In addition:

- Websites of the Biology, Chemistry and Physics Olympiads.

- Book: Cómo preparar un examen subject test (M. BES-RASTROLLO; F.J. JIMENEZ-RUIZ), EUNSA 2009. ISBN 9788431326449.


International Baccalaureate (IB)

Admision ib: desplegable

The requirements for students coming from diploma IB are as follows:

- Candidates should fill in apply via Portal miUNAV by the established deadlines by registering as "candidate IB" .

- A minimum predictive score of at least 37 points is required to be eligible to apply for IB.

- Candidates must have at least 6 in Biology HL and 6 in Chemistry HL.

- The School of Medicine will not consider any grade that is not on the official report card.

- Pass a personal interview with the Admissions Service to find out the suitability of candidate for the recommended profile admission.  

Once the application for admission has been completed through Portal miUNAV and requirements has been accredited in the predicted grades (grade ≥ 37, 6 in Biology HL and 6 in Chemistry HL), the admission process concludes with a personal interview via Skype with a team member admissions officer from School of Medicine of the University of Navarra.

IB candidates admitted to #MedUNAV do not have to take the test entrance exam or sit for the ISAT exam.

Once the application for admission has been completed, requirements has been accredited in the predicted grades and the interview has taken place, the decision will be published on Portal miUNAV.

If the resolution is positive, it will be conditioned to candidate definitively accrediting through its definitive qualifications the requirements of score IB (grade ≥ 37, 6 in Biology HL and 6 in Chemistry HL). This process must be completed before July 10, 2025.

In case of failure to reach any of the requirements admission criteria or failure to submit final grades, the application for admission will be rejected.


Advanced courses

Admision superiores: desplegable

Medical students from other universities who meet the following criteria can register at apply for Admissions Office for advanced courses (other than 1st year) at School of Medicine at the University of Navarra requirements:

  • grade of 1st year of high school diploma (or equivalent) equal to or higher than 7 out of 10.

  • grade in the test of Access to the Spanish University (university entrance exam or EvAU/EBAU) or through the UNED credential with the specific tests, in both cases in force, equal or higher than 12.6 out of 14.

  • All subjects passed by academic year in the Degree in Medicine up to the date of the application of Admissions Office.

Once the application is submitted and within the established deadlines, the School will study each application in a personalized way and will grant or not the Admissions Office depending on the availability of places, the concordance of the study plans and the academic transcript obtained in the home university.

Candidates must complete their application for admission through Portal miUNAV and provide the following documentation:

- grade of 1st year of high school diploma (or equivalent) equal to or higher than 7 out of 10.

- Qualification in the test of Access to the Spanish University (university entrance exam or EvAU/EBAU) or through the UNED credential with the specific tests, in both cases in force, equal or higher than 12.6 out of 14.

- certificate of the university studies taken so far, including the grades of the first semester of the current academic year. Once the application has been processed, the grades of the second semester will also be requested.

enquiry the calendar at Admissions Office.

Deadline: March 3.

Resolution: May 31.

Once the candidate has a positive resolution and sends the certified grades along with the programs of the subjects, the School of Medicine will study whether there is the possibility of recognizing some credits taken and approved in other universities.

It is important to know that due to the new Study program implemented in the School the most common will be to start from 1st grade even if access is requested through this route.

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At the University we have different support and orientation systems for students with special educational needs and a Unit for Attention to People with Disabilities.

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Enlaces - SI, vías de acceso a medunav, fechas de admisión y alojamiento

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Any doubts?

Contact us at contact and we will be happy to help you.


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Pedro Antonio Soldevilla

Pedro Antonio Soldevilla

manager Admissions Degree (Nationals)

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Ana de Pablo

Ana de Pablo

manager Admissions Degree (International)

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