Throughout the academic year, #MedUNAV holds different activities aimed at students in their final years of study. high school diploma. The goal is to inform about how to study the Degree in Medicine and the Degree in Medicine + International Program at the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra, to inform about the process of Admissions Office and to solve all the doubts that students and families may have.
In addition, the University of Navarra has a network of delegates spread throughout Spain and different parts of the world to be able to resolve, in person, all the doubts of students and families.
Sessions in English
We want this year to be full of opportunities for you, that is why the School of Medicine at the University of Navarra has created different sessions focus on international students where we will explain what it is like to study at #MedUNAV, our academic proposal and admission process.
Open Day
During the workshop Open Doors, students and families interested in School Medicine will have the opportunity to get to know the academic programs of #MedUNAV, as well as the details of the Admissions Office process and other relevant information. This year, the JPA at schedule in the morning will be face-to-face and online in the afternoon. If due to limited capacity or because you are not yet in the last course at high school, or if you are unable to travel to Pamplona, do not worry. In the afternoon we will have an online programme in which you will be able to resolve your doubts and find out everything the University has to offer.
So, if you are in 2nd year of high school diploma (or similar) and you want to come to Campus, we are looking forward to seeing you. If you can't come or you are in another course, we will try to give you a good online experience.
We are preparing an Open Doors workshop like never before. But we need some time ;) Until then you can fill in this short form form and we will inform you when everything is ready, thank you very much for your interest!
Private visits
During the virtual visit to #MedUNAV, students and families have a meeting with a manager of the Admissions Office team.
Aimed at students of high school diploma, the private visits to #MedUNAV are suitable for those students who want to solve all their doubts and get to know in depth how Medicine is taught at the University of Navarra.
To apply for a virtual visit , interested parties must fill in and send the form which can be found at Portal miUNAV. The Central Service of Admissions Office of the University of Navarra will reply to the application and will ask if you want to fill in the virtual visit plan with a meeting on accommodation and Funding.
Private visits are held every week at the following times:
Mondays, from 3.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Tuesday, from 3.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Friday, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Clinical Case Competition
The School of Medicine of the University of Navarra is organising the Clinical Case Competition, a pioneering activity in Spain that aims to offer a first class university experience to students in the second year of their studies (or equivalent) who are planning to study a biosanitary programme. high school diploma (or equivalent) who are considering studying a degree program from area Biosanitaria.
On the basis of real clinical cases, and organised in teams of three or four students, the goal will be to establish an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for the patient.
During the different phases of the competition, the material provided by the organisation must be used. In addition, each team will have the support of a tutor, who will be in charge of guiding and resolving any doubts that may arise during the course of the activity.