The Study program provides information on the degree's subjects and their nature (basic, compulsory, optional, etc.), as well as the credits assigned to each of them. As can be seen below, the subjects are divided into subjects which, in turn, are integrated into modules.
subject 1.1: Biochemistry and Cell Biology (18 ECTS credit Basics)
From molecule to cell I
From molecule to cell II
subject 1.2: General Anatomy (6 ECTS credit Basics)
- Fundamentals of morphology and function
subject 1.3: Human Anatomy and Physiology (24 ECTS credit Basics)
Integrated systems and organs I
Integrated systems and organs II
subject 1.4: instructions of the disease (36 ECTS credit OB)
Disease mechanisms
Pathology of organs and systems I
Pathology of organs and systems II
Mind, brain and behaviour
subject 2.1: Human formation and professional values (6 ECTS credit Core, 15 ECTS credit OB and 6 ECTS credit Electives)
Anthropology (CC)
Ethics (CC)
History of Medicine
Medical ethics
Forensic Medicine and Deontology
Keys to Culture I
Keys to Culture II
subject 2.2: Research in Biomedicine (9 ECTS credit Basic and 6 ECTS credit OB)
Research methodology
Applied Research Methodology I
Applied research methodology II
subject 3.1: Practice of medicine (40 ECTS credit OB)
Practice of Medicine I
Practice of Medicine II
Practical Clinic I
Practical Clinic II
Practical Clinic III
Practical Clinic IV
subject 3.2: Medical and surgical pathology (71 ECTS credit OB)
Medical Surgical I
Medical Surgical II
Medical Surgical III
Medical Surgical IV
Medical Surgical V
Medical Surgical VI
Medical Surgical VII
subject 4.1: Special Clinical Practice (15 ECTS credit OB)
Specialised practical clinic
subject 4.2: Integrated medicine and therapeutics (30 ECTS credit OB)
Case-based integrated medicine
Emergency medicine and intensive care
Basic sciences and applied medicine
Preventive medicine and public health
Health management and economics
subject 5.1: Tutored Internships (54 ECTS credit Internships)
Internal Medicine Rotation (medical)
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Rotation
Primary Care Rotation - Emergencies - Radiology
Psychiatry Rotation
Paediatric Rotation
Rotation Surgery (surgical and medical-surgical)
subject 5.2: Final Project Degree (6 ECTS credit TFG)
- Final Project Degree
subject 6.1: Electives (18 ECTS credit OP)
- Electives
1. The enrollment is only available once a year, and once it has been formalised it is irrevocable. However, within 10 days of its formalisation, or in the first week of classes of the second semester, students who allege a just and proportionate cause may make a change in their enrolment. It is advisable to read carefully the report of enrollment which lists the subjects in which the student has been enrolled. If an error is detected, it should be rectified as soon as possible (on the spot if possible), and in any case before the aforementioned period of 10 days has elapsed. After this period, any modification of the enrollment must be raised by means of written request, providing the reasons that recommend it.
2. In the enrollment of each academic year, students must first include the compulsory subjects not passed in previous years.
3. In order to complete the optional credits, students must enrol in optional subjects from Study program of their degree.
4. The enrollment must be formalised in a minimum of 40 credits ECTS credit and a maximum of 78.
5. The University may establish, for certain optional subjects, the number of places offered to students' free choice. As the number of places available in the different optional subjects is limited, it is recommended that possible alternatives be foreseen in the event that the offer of some subjects is saturated. It is recommended that the enrollment in the optional subjects has the approval of the advisor/a Academic of each student.
6. The subjects generically called "Rotation" and "Clinical Practice" are governed by the following academic guidelines:
- These subjects must be taken in the order and academic period foreseen: Rotation in 3rd year and Clinical Practice in the following years.
- The requirements for access to 3rd year rotations are as follows:
students who rotate in Pamplona:
have all of 1st grade C
have passed 36 ECTS credit of the 2nd year, of which:
must have passed internship of Medicine II
must have passed three of the following four subjects: Mechanisms of Disease, Pathology of Organs and Systems I, Pathology of Organs and Systems II, Mind, Brain and Behaviour.
students who rotate in Madrid:
have all 1st and 2nd year C
- In order to enrol in these subjects, a minimum number of credits stipulated for each of them must be passed. It is also necessary to be enrolled in those other subjects whose content is essential for the proper use of each Rotation and each Practical Clinic.
- The special nature of these subjects means that, in order for a student student to enrol in the same year in Practical Clinic III and IV, he/she must have taken C Practical Clinic I and II, and in order to enrol in Specialised Practical Clinic, he/she must have taken C Practical Clinic I, II, III and IV.
7. In order to be able to continue their studies, students must have passed a minimum of 36 ECTS credit corresponding to basic/compulsory subjects in their first academic year and a minimum of 90 ECTS credit corresponding to basic/compulsory subjects during the first two academic years.
8. A maximum period of 8 years is envisaged in order to be able to study the degree. However, once this period has elapsed, this period may be extended by one or two more years for those students who, having obtained the majority of the degree credits, can justify not having been able to devote sufficient time to their studies for sufficiently important and worthy of consideration reasons. The extension must be requested, within the last year of the course, by means of a request addressed to President, which will decide after verifying the reasons given.
9. These rules may be modified in the event that the existence of special educational needs, temporary or permanent, due to physical, psychological or partner-family reasons, is justified. In such cases, possible curricular modifications will be considered, provided that they are compatible with the acquisition of all the competences required for the professional activity.
10. The enrollment in each subject entails the right to sit the ordinary and extraordinary exams in the academic year for which it is formalised. Some subjects or exams may have only one sitting, if so established in the Study program.
11. Students may sit a maximum of four exam sittings (two sittings per academic year) in each subject, except as indicated in numbers 7 and 8.
Those who do not manage to approve a subject after the third call must apply for the extension to two more calls; The request must be formalised within the month following the publication of the grades of the third call, by means of written request reasoned addressed to Dean. The written request can be made online through the Academic Management of student.
12. Students may not waive exam sittings at their discretion, but they may be excused from those that are impossible to attend, for duly justified and alleged reasons, by means of written request on-line through the Academic Management of student, thirty days before the end of the class period, or before the exam if the reason for non-attendance occurs at that time.
Those who obtain Withdrawal of convocation in a subject will not be able to take the corresponding exam.
13. Resignations obtained only produce academic effects and, therefore, do not entail total or partial cancellation of the enrollment and only have an effect on the corresponding examination and subject ; consequently, they do not have any economic effects either.
14. The examinations corresponding to the sixth sitting, when granted, are held before a constituted Tribunal which, in addition to assessing the results of test , will take into account the academic record and any other circumstances that may be present at student.
15. The optional subjects will appear on the academic transcript of student when the corresponding credits have been obtained. Therefore, as long as they have not been passed, students may substitute them for others from the same subject, as many times as they wish, within the general limitation of years spent at the School.
a. Students taking a subject elective subject are entitled to a different exam session from the rest of the course, if this coincides with the date of the exam of a subject required subject or compulsory exam they are taking at that time semester.
b.In the event of failing any subject elective subject , the student may choose between repeating the subject, re-enrolling in the third sitting, or abandoning the course and taking a different one. The important thing is to pass the required number of credits at the end of Degree.
agreement 1. Participation in university cultural, sports, student representation, solidarity and cooperation activities approved by the Office of the Executive Council or by the School of Medicine, and up to a maximum of 6 credits (ECTS credit) of an optional nature, have academic recognition, in accordance with the provisions of the Study program. The necessary application is submitted via written request through Academic Management. The credits obtained must be made effective at Office of the Registrar. The amount of these credits is the same as that of the credits of the enrolled subjects.
2. Students who have enrolled in optional subjects cannot cancel the enrollment in some of them because they have subsequently obtained the recognition of some credit; the obtaining of these credits must be foreseen when formalising the enrollment. See section 4.4 for details of some types of these activities and an explanation of how to obtain credits procedure .
1. In cases where it is possible to change degree, it is necessary to apply to the Centre responsible for the studies, which will decide on agreement according to the criteria it has established.
2. Those who wish to transfer their transcript to another University, must apply for and obtain admission to the degree they are going to continue.
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Degree
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of Credit Recognition for Technician of training Profesional
- Rules and regulations University Basics
- Rules and regulations general about assessment