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Diploma in Biomedical research

Aplicaciones anidadas

Introducción - Diploma en Investigación Biomédica

This degree offered by the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra is complementary to the Degree in Medicine and allows students to delve into a critical area for the medical profession such as Biomedical Research. To this end, this diploma includes:

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Theoretical-practical subjects in biomedical research: all are optional subjects at Degree in Medicine.



Practical training, carried out in the laboratories of the School of Medicine, theClínica Universidad de Navarra and the Centre for Applied Medical Research (CIMA).

Aplicaciones anidadas


Preparation and defence of a research paper.



Tutor research: each student student on this diploma is assigned a research tutor tutor who directs and evaluates their work on laboratory throughout the programme. The tutors also participate in the student selection process and collaborate in the teaching of optional subjects.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Do you want to fill in your training with this diploma?

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profile from student

The future student of Degree in Medicine + Diploma in Biomedical Research sample, in addition to an interest in the areas of Medicine, is interested in learning the methodology and obtaining a broader understanding of research in applied medicine knowledge .

The student at diploma should be attracted to finding new solutions to existing diseases from a translational research perspective.


Academic recognition

Students who meet the aforementioned requirements will receive certification of their own degree and may apply for include a mention in the European Diploma Supplement, specifying the optional subjects of Degree that have been taken following the Diploma in Biomedical Research. If any student, for a justified reason, decides not to fill in the programme, this must be communicated to the Directorate of Studies at written request School .



The application of admission will be made in the administrative office of Medicine at the end of the 1st year of the Degree in Medicine by means of the form of application and a report that explains the reasons for which they wish to carry out the program. It is a requirement to have passed the subjects of the 1st year of Medicine in the ordinary call.

Admission resolution: At the end of May, the School communicates the authorization to enroll in the subject "Basic Techniques in research", which is taken in June. The final allocation of places in Diploma is made in July, taking into account the following criteria: the research projects available in the Departments; the results obtained in"Basic techniques in research"; the report of the advisor.

Permanence: Students must take and approve courses from Diploma. 

Aplicaciones anidadas

Estructuración académica - Diploma en Investigación Biomédica - Título

Academic Structuring


Aplicaciones anidadas

Estructuración académica - Tabla 2020 - Diploma en Investigación Biomédica

Medicine 2020 (18 ECTS credit)

a. Credits: the Diploma is taken through 5 optional subjects with a total of 18 credits ECTS credit.

b. Subjects: all subjects are optional subjects of Degree in Medicine and it is an essential requirement to take all of them in order to obtain the diploma.

Tabla Medicina 2020 - 18 ECTS - Diploma en Investigación Biomédica

Basic techniques in research *


project Research I * * Research I * Research I * Research I * Research I * Research I * Research I * Research I * Research I


project research II *


project research III *


Presentation and defence of a research paper


Estructuración académica - Tabla 2008 - 2018 - Diploma en Investigación Biomédica

Medicine 2025 (18 ECTS credit)

a. Credits: the Diploma is taken through 5 optional subjects with a total of 18 credits ECTS credit.

b. Subjects: all subjects are optional subjects of Degree in Medicine and it is an essential requirement to take all of them in order to obtain the diploma.

Tabla Medicina 2008 - 2018 24 ECTS - Diploma en Investigación Biomédica

Basic techniques in research *


project Research I * * Research I * Research I * Research I * Research I * Research I * Research I * Research I * Research I



project research II *



project research III *



Presentation and defence of a research paper


Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

Estructuración Académica: desplegable



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Marta Santisteban

Dendritic vaccines in breast cancer

J.A.Mtnez. Climent

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Patricia Fdez.Robredo

Comparative study of the effect of various anti-angiogenic compounds on cell permeability, viability and proliferation in retinal epithelial and endothelial cells.

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Characterisation of genetically modified mice deficient in the enzyme NatB

Matilde Bustos

Study of the role of the cytokine cardiotrophin-1 in liver metabolism with genetically modified mouse models.

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Involvement of aquaglyceroporins in insulin resistance development

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Intestinal innervation in parkinsonian monkeys

Manuel Alegre

Flicker frequency, an indicator of motor status in Parkinson's disease. Correlation of basal ganglia activity.

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Genetic characterisation and treatment of tumour stem cells in brain tumours

Victoria Catalán

Influence of novel pro-inflammatory adipokines on development of obesity-associated diabetes mellitus subject 2

Francisco Gil Bea

Biliary Cystogenesis Study in Polycystic Liver Disease

Javier Beaumont

Study of the mechanisms involved in the myocardial remodelling that occurs in aortic stenosis.

Javier Campion

The effect of diet and stress on diabetes and obesity in rats: epigenetic mechanisms