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Admision ib: texto

Admissions Office IB

Students taking the International Baccalaureate (IB) can apply to the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra through the final grade obtained in the diploma, as long as they accredit the requirements established below by #MedUNAV.

Admision ib: desplegable

The requirements for students coming from diploma IB are as follows:

- Candidates should fill in apply via Portal miUNAV by the established deadlines by registering as "candidate IB" .

- A minimum predictive score of at least 37 points is required to be eligible to apply for IB.

- Candidates must have at least 6 in Biology HL and 6 in Chemistry HL.

- The School of Medicine will not consider any grade that is not on the official report card.

- Pass a personal interview with the Admissions Service to find out the suitability of candidate for the recommended profile admission.  

Once the application for admission has been completed through Portal miUNAV and requirements has been accredited in the predicted grades (grade ≥ 37, 6 in Biology HL and 6 in Chemistry HL), the admission process concludes with a personal interview via Skype with a team member admissions officer from School of Medicine of the University of Navarra.

IB candidates admitted to #MedUNAV do not have to take the test entrance exam or sit for the ISAT exam.

Once the application for admission has been completed, requirements has been accredited in the predicted grades and the interview has taken place, the decision will be published on Portal miUNAV.

If the resolution is positive, it will be conditioned to candidate definitively accrediting through its definitive qualifications the requirements of score IB (grade ≥ 37, 6 in Biology HL and 6 in Chemistry HL). This process must be completed before July 10, 2025.

In case of failure to reach any of the requirements admission criteria or failure to submit final grades, the application for admission will be rejected.

IB: texto-2

If the candidate IB would like to apply for admission by another route, it can also do so according to its profile:

National Students. National IB students can choose to apply to School for Medicine through the requirements IB or through the Admission test of #MedUNAV.

International Students. International students taking the IB can choose between applying to School for Medicine with the requirements IB, or by taking the ISAT exam + #MedUNAV Admission Exam online in English..

In any of the above cases, student will only be able to apply through IB or, failing that, by choosing one of the alternative access routes.

The application should be sent to fill in via the miUNAV Portal within the established deadlines.


Enlaces - SI, vías de acceso a medunav, fechas de admisión y alojamiento