
Aplicaciones anidadas

Campus seguro #CovidFree

In times of coronavirus, both the University of Navarra and School of Medicine have, since the beginning of the pandemic, implemented preventive security measures to ensure that classes, internships and university life can continue to develop normally. In addition, students from the third to the sixth year of Degree in Medicine who carry out clinical practice in health centres were vaccinated by the Government of Navarra on 24 February 2021.

The University of Navarra has developed the Prepara2 Plan which, among other things, involves renewed teaching methodologies, with new work spaces in the buildings, health prevention measures and state-of-the-art technological equipment to support teaching which guarantees that classes can be followed both face-to-face and online at modality .

This strategic plan, on which work has been ongoing since March 2020 and which has ensured that classes have never been interrupted, consists of four main pillars: 

  • Persons

  • Diagnosis and Treatment

  • Spaces and Facilities

  • Information

In order to guarantee a secure environment for the entire university community (students, faculty, professionals and visitors), the University of Navarra is based on two of the institution's own pillars: the Clínica Universidad de NavarraThe University of Navarra, a healthcare centre of international prestige, and the CIMAThe University of Navarra, a leading biomedical research centre and a benchmark in the discipline.

In addition to having the figure of advisor or mentor at their disposal, students and their families have support teams and personalised attention at their disposal at School . These specialised teams are responsible for centralising and channelling all possible Covid-19 cases, as well as resolving any doubts and questions that may arise.

Students also have at their disposal the Student Health Guide, a document containing the action plan, instructions and measures enabled in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.

The goal of all these measures is to create a safecampus , where students need only focus on learning and making the most of university life.

If you have any questions, please send us a WhatsApp to (+34) 690 98 46 46 29!

Enlaces - SI, vías de acceso a medunav, fechas de admisión y alojamiento