Mittlerweile studiere ich im dritten Semester Medizin an der University of Navarra in Pamplona in Northern Spain. Es gab gab viele Gründe weshalb ich mich für die Universität Navarra entschieden habe, ausschlaggebend war auf jeden Fall die gute Reputation der Uni in Spanien and the wide range of cooperation with universities around the world.
Because a study in Germany was not a question for me, I went to a good university abroad, where I could study English and then in the course of my studies I could learn another language, at best a world language. This is possible at the University of Navarra. In the first year of study, almost all the lectures and practicals are in English and the university is one of the best in Spain. Each semester there is only one relatively simple course (psychology and introduction to the clinic), which is taught in Spanish. All in all, this would be a good reason for me to study at the University of Navarra. However, the offer of summer courses at other European universities, the research project all over the world in cooperation with various partners and research institutions and the Erasmus opportunities have made me even more convinced. Zudem finde ich das Aufnahmeverfahren sehr fair. The course registration is in English and is 70 minutes long and can be booked directly at the university in April. Alternatively, the result of the BMATs can be presented (the BMAT can be held at many institutions in Europe at different ends of the year). I have decided to apply for the admission test at the University and I have received the award in the middle of May.
After I successfully completed my first year at the university, we spent a week in London at Imperial College in July. In the first two years of study, the university offers a single summer course at a European university. The topic of the lectures this year was "Introduction to molecular pathology and cancer immunotherapy". The week was very intensive and very interesting. In addition to the lectures there was still some time to get to know London. Während dieser Woche habe ich total viel gelernt, hatte aber mindestens genauso viel Spaß mit meinen Kommilitonen. Generell verstehe ich mich hier sehr gut mit meinen Kommilitonen und obwohl ich vorher nur drei Monate Spanisch gelernt habe, gab es kaum Kommunikationsprobleme.
In the second year of study, there are now more than a hundred years of teachers of Spanish. But after a year, the Spanish language is good, so that I and the other international soldiers had no problem with it.
After the third year, there are opportunities for a research workshop to be held abroad. In many countries of the world, the International Craftsmen's Day will begin in the summer with partners and craftsmen in many countries. If you would like to participate in the fourth year in the single Erasmus Program (e.g. to Germany/Heidelberg or to France/Grenoble).
Generell bin ich sehr glücklich hier in Spanien, nicht nur nur die Wahl der Uni, sondern auch das Leben hier tragen dazu dazu bei. For me it was a big step into a country whose language I learned in only three months or less. But now, a few years later, I can say that it was one of the best decisions of my life and that I can continue to study here and live here for six years. Academically and humanly I have a lot to say here.