04 | 02 | 2020
Students and researchers at the University of Navarra extol the role of women in science
TextoEnrique Cobos
30 | 01 | 2020
The Science Museum of the University of Navarra submission 24 suitcases of experiments to schools in Navarre
TextoEnrique Cobos
29 | 01 | 2020
The University submission awards the Silver Medal to 78 professionals.
TextoMaria Salanova
ImagenManuel Castells
27 | 01 | 2020
The high school of research in Biodiversity and Environment of the University of Navarra is born.
22 | 01 | 2020
Teaching science without limits: "YouTube is an extraordinary tool for learning".
TextoEnrique Cobos
ImagenManuel Castells
15 | 01 | 2020
A researcher of the University, award to the best doctoral thesis of the Funcas Foundation.
14 | 01 | 2020
"The demolition of dams in Navarre has positive effects on the conservation of Atlantic salmon".
TextoEnrique Cobos
ImagenManuel Castells
13 | 01 | 2020
The University welcomes 261 new international students
TextoMaria Salanova
ImagenManuel Castells
19 | 12 | 2019
Nine University graduates, awarded grants by the Regional Government for work experience in non-EU countries
TextoBeatriz Diaz
ImagenManuel Castells
18 | 12 | 2019
New findings in brucellosis: the search for safer and more effective vaccines
TextoEnrique Cobos
ImagenManuel Castells
13 | 12 | 2019
The high school de Salud Carlos III funds 26 biomedical research projects at the University of Navarra
TextoMaría Pilar Huarte
ImagenManuel Castells
13 | 12 | 2019
"It is more expensive to wait and not act than to reduce emissions to curb climate change".
TextoIñigo Ruiz
ImagenManuel Castells
Enrique Cobos
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona - Spain
+34 948 425600 (806579)