
Go on exchange

Students who meet the requirements of requirements and are enrolled in the courses listed below are eligible to participate in the exchange programs:

- Biology: 3rd and 4th grades
- Biochemistry (Biomedical): 3rd and 4th grade
- Chemistry: 3rd and 4th grades
- Environmental Sciences: 3rd and 4th

Doubles Degrees:
- Chemistry and Biochemistry : 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades
- Biology and Environmental Sciences: 3rd, 4th and 5th grades

- Have an academic transcript equal or higher than 6.5. It is possible that some universities require a higher minimum grade .

- Have the level of language required in the universities in which you are applying place as of January 2024, except for exceptions (see point 3).

- Not to have more than two subjects in the 3rd call.

- Not to be enrolled in any subject in 5th convocation or higher at the time of apply for the Admissions Office.

- Do not be student intern during the course in which you participate in the exchange.

- Environmental Science students will be able to participate in 3rd.

- SBP students may participate in 3rd grade and the first semester of 4th grade.

- At the time of starting the program at exchange not have more than two failed subjects (June 2024).

More information (pdf)

Students must prove, prior to the awarding of places, that they have the minimum level of language required by the selected universities. This level is specified in this guide. The School will accept the following degrees:

English (maximum seniority 2 years):

  • TOEFL with score above 85.

  • Cambridge Certificate: First Certificate in English or higher.

  • IELTS SELT Consortium 6 or higher.

  • Students who are nationals of an English-speaking country must prove that they have completed programs of study in English. high school diploma in English.


  • DELF or higher


  • Goethe: Zertifikat Deutsch or higher

On October 17, the academic coordinators of the School will give an informative session in which the available positions will be indicated. They will also inform about the criteria that will be taken into account when selecting candidates.

Before November 3 the student must fill out a application provisional through a form. This application is required, but not binding.

The official period of application will begin on January 10 and end on January 17. The application will be done through portal MiUNAV. In a session to be held in January, prior to the opening of application, the functioning of form will be explained in detail.

After the deadline for submitting applications, a ranking will be made in order of transcript. The following students will see their grade increased by 0.5:

→ Upperclassmen.

→ 3rd Sciences Business Program students

→ Students 3rd Degree in Environmental Sciences.

Preference will be given to students who have not completed previous international stays.

The assigned destination will be announced on January 24. Students will have until January 28th to accept or reject the place. On January 29th there will be a second round. Students must accept or reject the place between January 30 and 31. The process will be finalized on February 1.


Students can consult the destinations in this document (xlsx).

  • Briefing - October 17, 2023

  • End deadline application provisional - November 3, 2023

  • deadline from application: January 10-17, 2024

  • Assignment date: January 24, 2024

  • End deadline acceptance or rejection of the place: January 28, 2024

  • Second assignment: January 29, 2024

  • End deadline acceptance or rejection of the place: January 30 and 31, 2024



Ainhoa Ruiz de Erenchun Lasa

International Relations

Ainhoa Ruiz de Erenchun Lasa

C/ Irunlarrea, 1

31008 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425600 (806479)
