06 | 02 | 2023
"The Education of character transforms our concept of success."
ImagenManuel Castells
03 | 02 | 2023
"In the Fad surveys on youth welfare there is a population that has only known the economic crisis and precariousness."
ImagenManuel Castells
02 | 02 | 2023
The ICS presents the Spanish version of a document framework of Oxford on the mission statement of the universities for the development integral of the students.
ImagenManuel Castells
31 | 01 | 2023
Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities at other centers and universities (January 2023)
30 | 01 | 2023
A researcher of the ICS made a visit to Bogota to document the mandate of former President Uribe and learn about the feelings of the population.
23 | 01 | 2023
Two new ICS projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation: adolescent intimate partner violence and relief of suffering in advanced diseases
ImagenManuel Castells
16 | 01 | 2023
The researcher of the ICS Albert Recasens, distinguished by the Community of Madrid with the XXI award of Classical Music Culture.
13 | 01 | 2023
"Addictions such as shopping, online gambling or video games are new, but there are techniques to overcome them."
ImagenManuel Castells
11 | 01 | 2023
The generation of quality data and multimodality, challenges of the analysis of agreement and disagreement in human interaction.
ImagenManuel Castells
10 | 01 | 2023
A researcher joins Institute for Culture and Society with a financial aid Juan de la Cierva to investigate the Spanish Berber community.