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Institute for Culture and Societyparticipation in activities at other centers and universities (July and August 2023)

ICS researchers and internal collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Belgium, Chile, China, Spain, France, Morocco, Mexico, Portugal and Uruguay.

12 | 09 | 2023

ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care

Carlos Centeno, Vilma Tripodoro, Eduardo Garralda, Álvaro Montero and Fernanda Bastos have participated in different events of the World Health Organization, of which ATLANTES is a center partner, to explain palliative indicators and to moderate the discussion raised around these indicators with the attendees. 

They participated in the meeting 'Évaluation du développement des soins palliatifs au Maroc: Adaptation d'une série d'indicateurs pratiques' (Tangier, Morocco, 3-4/07/2023).

They also attended the national meeting for the adaptation and contextualization of the WHO palliative care indicators in Uruguay (Montevideo, Uruguay, 31/08-1/09/2023).

Public discourse

Ruth Breeze offered the online discussion paper 'Populism and Emotion' within the course 'Discourse Analysis Summer Programme' organized by Shanghai University (Shanghai, China, 13/08/2023).

Eleonora Esposito attended the 18th International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) Conference organized by the Free University of Brussels, where she gave the lecture 'Digital Discourses of Arab Feminism: Intersecting Layers, Conflicting Visions, Emerging Transnationalism', (Brussels, Belgium, 9-14/07/2023).

He also participated in the 20th Anniversary Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée (AILA) World Congress with the oral communication 'Digital Mirroring as a counter-hegemonic strategy of activism and argumentation in the Arab Levant' at the University of Lyon, (Lyon, France, 17-21/07/2023).

Pilar Gerns participated in the III International congress of WORKING CLIL, in the framework of his stay at the University of Porto. There he delivered the session 'Enabling secondary teachers to become efficient CLIL material designers', moderated several papers and worked as team member organizer, (Porto, Portugal, 13-14/07/2023).

Infinity: family, love and sexuality

Martiño Rodríguez gave the lecture "La research en terapia familiar" at the Universidad Panamericana (Mexico City, Mexico, 8/08/2023).

He also participated in the course 'expert in marriage and family' organized by the association Person and Family in Tui, where he offered the module "Psychology of Married Life", (Vigo, Spain, 25/08/2023).


Fran Güell attended the conference Humanísticas 2023 organized by the Tajamar Foundation where he delivered a paper entitled 'Amistad y redes', (El Poblado, Spain, 24-30/08/2023).

Nathaniel Barrett y Javier Bernácer participated in a workshop with Tom Froese (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology) organized by the Tatiana Foundation (Madrid, Spain, 8/08/2023).


Religion and Civil Society 

Montserrat Herrero y Jaume Aurell have traveled to Chile to participate in the XI International conference Theory and Philosophy of History: The Canon in History organized by the School of Liberal Arts at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. There, Herrero delivered the invited discussion paper 'El papel de las comunidades de interpretación en la elaboración del canon: la aportación de la hermenéutica de Gadamer'' and presented his book "Theopolitical Figures Scripture, Prophecy, Oath, Charisma, Hospitality" at a roundtable. For his part, Aurell gave the oral communication 'La training del canon histórico: entre la construcción y la realidad'. (Santiago de Chile, Chile, 30/08/2023).

Links, creativity and culture

Inés Olza y Javier Yániz attended the 18th International Pragmatics Conference at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Yániz gave the panel 'Sociopragmatics of conflict talk and dispute resolution: Mitigation, reparation, and mediation practices', led by Olza. The researcher also gave the papers "Between conflict and cooperation: The role of gestural (mis)alignment in spontaneous interaction" and "Gestural alignment in spoken simultaneous interpreting: A mixed-method approach", (Brussels, Belgium, 9-14/07/2023).

In addition, Olza also participated in the talk-theater Vermutáfora 2023 organized by the ICON Action group of Campus Iberus of the University of La Rioja, (La Rioja, Spain, 6-7/07/2023).

Loris de Nardi offered the virtual session 'Historia Antropocénica' at the seminar Permanente en Teoría de la Historia organized by researchers Fernando Betancourt, from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and Dr. Daniel Ovalle, from the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile). (08/23/2023)

Chair Álvaro D'Ors

Rafael Domingo Oslé has participated in the conference University of the Pyrenees with the invited discussion paper 'Happiness and spirituality: a necessary connection' (Torreciudad, Spain, 31/07/2023).



