The University of Huelva awards the doctorate Honoris Causa to Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña, expert in econometrics.
Full Professor at the University of Navarra stresses the importance of time series analysis in economic forecasting and the study of climate change

13 | 03 | 2025
The University of Huelva has conferred the degree scroll of honorary doctor to Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña, Full Professor of Econometrics at the University of Navarra and expert in time series analysis and fractional integration processes. During the ceremony, he highlighted econometrics as a fundamental tool for understanding economic, social and environmental phenomena.
Professor at the School of Economic Sciences and researcher at the Navarra Center for International Development (NCID) of the Institute for Culture and Society Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra, his work has been a core topic in the study of macroeconomic stability and climate change in countries such as Kenya, El Salvador and Chile. "Time series allow us to analyze data over time and understand how the present is influenced by the past. Applied to Economics, climatology or demography, these techniques facilitate informed predictions and contribute to better decision making," he explained.
Alberiko, who has developed his research in prestigious institutions such as the London School of Economics, the London Business School, the European University Institute or the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, highlighted the value of academic training and openness to knowledge. In this sense, he expressed his satisfaction for the relationship established with the University of Huelva more than a decade ago, and highlighted "its commitment to research and academic excellence, as well as its contribution to the development of new methodologies for the study of economic and social phenomena".
Among the most cited researchers in the world
In his speech, he also emphasized scientificpartnership as a driver for the advancement of knowledge. With more than 100 co-authors in different countries, his scientific production places him among the 2% of the most cited authors worldwide in his field, 1% in Europe and, in Spain, he ranks seventh in terms of citations issue " knowledge grows when it is shared. research is a collective effort in which the exchange of ideas is essential to achieve significant advances," he said.
In closing, Alberiko addressed some of today's major economic and social challenges subject emphasizing the growing inequality in the distribution of wealth and the need for greater global cooperation. "If we all gave a little, the common good would increase enormously. Game theory sample us that when individuals and institutions cooperate, the collective benefit is much greater," he concluded.