The University hosts a photographic exhibition that invites to change the way we look at the vulnerability of older people
The sample 'Miradas' will be exhibited at Amigos Building from September 18 to 29 on the occasion of the inauguration of the Chair IDEA of New Longevities of the ICS.

/The exhibition is on display at Amigos Building of the University.
19 | 09 | 2023
The Amigos Building of the University of Navarra hosts from September 18 to 29 the IDEA Foundation's exhibition 'Miradas', an art therapy solidarity project that invites to change the way we look at the vulnerability of the elderly.
The sample is exhibited at the campus on the occasion of the inauguration of the Chair IDEA New Longevities of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS), which has started its course 2023-2024.
The exhibition is an initiative of group IDEA, which manages seven residences in Navarra, Galicia, Salamanca and Catalonia. It contains 130 photographs starring the residents of IDEA Foz (Lugo) that have as goal to make visible the status lived in senior centers during the pandemic of Covid-19 and humanize the attention and care of residents, reinventing the use of masks.
100 local artisans took part in status and proposed original mask designs, with the aim of turning this uncomfortable object, which dehumanizes care, into a creative element. Designs were received from Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, Chile and Argentina.
The photographs are the work of Xaora Fotógrafos, who selflessly portrayed people living in the residences with only their masks, no costumes, no makeup and no scenery.
workshop Longevity as a social opportunity'.
In addition to the exhibition, the Chair IDEA of New Longevities has organized a workshop on September 27 under the degree scroll 'Longevity as a social opportunity'. Ana Marta Gonzalez, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Navarra and member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, will speak at the event and will talk about the social challenge that comes with increased life expectancy.
This will be followed by the roundtable 'Challenges and opportunities of an aging society', with Rafael Sánchez-Ostiz, geriatrician, director general of IDEA and president of association Navarra de Entidades Asistenciales (ANEA); Carolina Montoro, professor of Geography of the School of Philosophy and Letters; Antonio Moreno, Full Professor in Economics and Dean of the School of Economics; and Camino Oslé, vice-president of the board board of directors of the Casa de la Misericordia.