

Aplicaciones anidadas


Go on Exchange

Outgoing Students

The International Office ISSA School of Applied Management promotes exchange agreements with universities abroad to facilitate the mobility of students during their time at the University. The exchange programs, which last between four and six months, are completed at ISSA School of Applied Management during the second semester of the fourth year, the last year of the degree program.

The exchange experience allows the student to train professionally and personally to work in a global environment, getting to know some of the best universities, immersing themselves in other cultures and improving their foreign language knowledge . The requirements and general conditions that must be met to take the exchange are presented below.



The Study program of the Degree en management Applied Management - Applied Management foresees that during the second semester of the fourth year, the last of the degree program, students can choose between doing an academic exchange or a curricular internship

The management of exchange (application, pre-assignment of destination) is made during the first semester of the third year; on the other hand, the assignment final is completed in June of the third year, when it is verified that the students comply with the academic requirements . 

Once assigned the place of exchange, all the selection process (Preliminary Contract) and approval of subjects in destination(Learning Agreement) is done during the first semester of the fourth quarter. 

rules and regulations for the realization of exchanges of programs of study of students of Degree in management Applied

Those students who, on September 1st of the academic year in which exchange takes place, have C at least 171 credits between first, second and third year, will be eligible for exchange .

Students with failed credits up to a maximum of 9, and who opt for the academic exchange , will be exempted from the attendance face-to-face classes of the failed subjects, but must take the exam of the same on the date and time assigned in the regular call in May and / or in the re-sit examination period in June, without the possibility of modification.

In cases where the 9 suspended credits correspond to a language, the student must:

  • Be enrolled at language in the fourth year of Degree.

  • Enroll for this language in the host university during the exchange in order to ensure that he/she receives training face-to-face in the language during the second semester. Although the enrollment in this language in the host university will be entered in the learning agreement, it will not be validated by any of the subjects of exchange, so that the student must register of the minimum of 24 ECTS credit + the credits that correspond to the language up to a maximum of 30 ECTS credit. 

  • In these cases the final grade of the language will be a weighted average between the grade obtained in the first semester and the grade obtained in the host university during the exchange.

During the exchange, the student must follow and comply with the rules and regulations corresponding to the host university. Likewise, it is not allowed to make up failed subjects corresponding to the Degree in management Applied.

Students with more than 9 suspended credits will not be able to take exchange academic course.


download rules and regulations

While all the necessary information and documents will be made available to students at ADI at the time the assignment process is announced, the three main phases are listed below summary :

Information valid for students taking the exchange in the 2024/2025 academic year.


  1. Priority will be given to students who, at the time of application of exchange, have passed all the credits corresponding to the first, second and first semester of the third year.

  2. Please prove the level of language and the grade average required depending on the destination. The Fact Sheet of the universities of interest to the student can be consulted for more information.

    Important. Some universities, especially those outside Europe, require students to prove their level of English by means of an official degree program (usually TOEFL), so it is recommended that interested students obtain it before the end of the first semester of the third year, as no exceptions or extensions will be considered at submission.

  3. attend to the informative meetings held during the first semester of the third year.

  4. Complete the application in a timely manner. 

  5. Not having previously benefited from a financial aid for the same purpose on framework of the Erasmus+ programme.


  1. For the pre-allocation of places, a Ranking will be carried out taking into account grade average of transcript and language level.

  2. The pre-allocation of vacancies is made according to exclusively objective criteria, based on the supply of vacancies at each destination and the existing demand.


  1. The allocation final of places is completed in June of the third year, once it has been verified that students can prove that they have C, at least, 171 ECTS credit between first, second and third year.

Information valid for students taking the exchange starting in the 2025/2026 academic year.


  1. Students who have passed 120 ECTS credit corresponding to the total number of credits foreseen in the first and second year will be able to access apply for place of exchange .

  2. Priority for election will be given to candidates who, at the time of application, have passed all credits corresponding to the first, second and first semester of the third year, the date foreseen for the application of place of exchange. 

  3. Please prove the level of language and the grade average required depending on the destination. The Fact Sheet of the universities of interest to the student can be consulted for more information.

    Important. Some universities, especially those outside Europe, require students to prove their level of English by means of an official degree program (usually TOEFL), so it is recommended that interested students obtain it before the end of the first semester of the third year, as no exceptions or extensions will be considered at submission.

  4. attend to the informative meetings held during the first semester of the third course.

  5. Complete the application in a timely manner.

  6. Not having previously benefited from a financial aid for the same purpose on framework of the Erasmus+ programme.


  1. For the pre-allocation of places, a Ranking will be carried out taking into account grade average of transcript and language level.

  2. The pre-allocation of vacancies is made according to exclusively objective criteria, based on the supply of vacancies at each destination and the existing demand.


  1. The allocation final of places is completed in June of the third year, once it has been verified that students can prove that they have C, at least 174 ECTS credit between first, second and third year.

During the first semester of the third year, the so-called guide of exchange will be available to ISSA School of Applied Management students who want to do the exchange . It includes all the information necessary to manage the process: management, requirements, the process of choosing place, how the assignment is done, the recognition of grade of subjects...

enquiry the guide

There is a destination for each student depending on their characteristics and preferences, so it is advisable to look carefully for the destination that best suits their interests. When choosing preferred destinations, it is important to take into account:

  • The academic calendar of the host university. 

  • The grade average required by some universities.

  • The language required to study programs of study abroad. There are universities that require a minimum level to take courses at the language of destination. Therefore, it is important to have sufficient proficiency to be able to attend to class and take the programs of study in that language. It is also important to know if they require certificate in order to have it before the end of the first semester of the third year.

ISSA School of Applied Management has more than 50 agreements with universities around the world. The issue of agreements and partner universities may vary from year to year.

You can consult the list at link.

The cost of a programs of study stay abroad depends on several factors. It is advisable to check budget before choosing a destination:

  • Location: the cost of living in the country, whether it is a big or small city, the cost of flights, public transportation...

  • accommodationSome accommodation options are cheaper than others.

  • Activities: participating in extracurricular activities or activities offered in the city is more affordable than travelling during free time. In addition, it enhances the knowledge of the local culture and makes more contacts in the university and city.

Regarding the financing of exchange, there are financial aids that depend on the destination and duration. Stays in European universities within the Erasmus+ program have a financial aid known as scholarship Erasmus+. The university informs and manages only the scholarship Erasmus.

There are other aid options in banks or autonomous communities, among others, of which each student must be informed and managed. All those students who carry out stays outside Europe, will only be able to access this subject of complementary aids.

A study stay abroad does not imply any additional expense from enrollment. The enrollment is done at the University of Navarra, not at host university.